Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do You Know Your New Online Friend?

This past week has had its lows and its highs. This past Sunday night while over to a friend's house, I had several hundred dollars stolen out of my suit pocket which was hanging up in the supposedly secure master bedroom closet. It was cash and money orders, but the point is that the money is gone. Even by stopping payment on the money orders, I still don't have the money right now.

I was shocked. I was upset. I was angered. I had that amount of money on me because I had some business out of town to take care of during the next week and the next day was President's Day and the banks were closed. (Note: I don't normally carry that amount of cash on me. So don't even THINK about it! lol)

Well, obviously it changed my plans greatly this week. In the midst of all of that, there was something else that was at work simultaneously. God sent an angel my way. That's right, an angel.

Let me explain.

I usually have a total of 50-60 friend requests per day between the social networking sites, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Tagged, LinkedIn and others. It is amazing how many family, friends, classmates, ministry and business people I connect with everyday online. It is even MORE amazing to meet strangers from all over the world that request my friendship online. No, I don't know them, but after looking at their profile quickly to see who they are, I am finding myself being introduced to some of the most creative, unique people in the world...literally! As of the writing of this blog, I am currently up to over 11,000 friends collectively. Obviously it can become overwhelming keeping up with all of them, but being the "Online Pastor" is something that just evolved over many years because of answering numerous emails, day for prayer requests and advice.

So, while I was changing my plans because of my misfortune, and to be honest, allowing it to REALLY bother me to the point of a headache and upset stomach, another force was at work. A lady, who we will just call Respucia (not her real name) had become an online friend only days before. When she realized what had happened to me, she was shocked like I was and was saddened. However, she did not realize that I was a Pastor. She had gotten an idea about trying to do something to cheer me up, which I thought was a nice gesture for her to do. While on the phone with her after exchanging several emails, she began asking me several questions about who I am and all to the point that I could tell she was "checking me out" before she made what ever offer that she had in mind. So I told her just do this: "Google" my name and then when you find out what you find out, then contact me.

Well, she did. And when she returned my call. She was in tears. I was like, "What in the world?!?!?" Of course when she googled my name she saw that I was a pastor. She viewed several of my videos online and some of my blogs. Needless to say, she was crying because her prayer had been,"God please allow me to come in contact with someone who will help me on my spiritual journey." Little did I know that before she contacted me and talked to me she had experienced a series of horrible events in her life and she was at the point of giving up. She had literally spent the entire day crying and praying to God as she was at her breaking point.

When I responded to her email and subsequent emails and then phone calls, LITTLE did I know that God had sent me her way for this time and season. Now I know it sounds like I am saying I am the angel sent in her life. But watch this...

When she began to share with me all of the details leading up until this moment in time, I started to realize that SHE was the angel that was sent my way to be a blessing to me. And, in less than 24 hours, she has already been an ENORMOUS blessing to me. (Not financially, but in other ways.) While I was visibly lamenting over the loss of my money and the changing of my plans, I realized that something else was happening to me at this moment. Who would've thought that a casual friend request online could turn out to be such an exhilarating event for two people?

Hebrews 13:2 says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." The discussion of angels is a theological argument that I will keep for another day. But I will make the supposition for the purpose of this blog.

Angels are assigned to us by God to assist us with specific tasks. Angels are to be a blessing to us. You have heard the term "Guardian Angel" I'm sure. However, there is a reason why the writer of Hebrews wrote that verse of scripture about entertaining strangers. We do not know what angels look like when they come in our life. And, consequently, we walk by them. We ignore them. We disregard them. We shun them. Why? Because they don't look like what WE think our blessing should look like. They don't smell right. They aren't the right race. They aren't the right gender. They don't go the same type church we do. They work in the mail room at our corporation. They are too young. They are too old. They are too fat. They are too weird looking. And what we don't realize that when we don't entertain them or give them attention, we are literally ignoring our blessings and walking away from an opportunity to be blessed. As soon as I began to hear Respucia (not her real name) share with me the series of events that led to this moment, I knew that God had sent and angel in my life. Nothing romantic. Nothing sexual. Nothing financial. But I knew it immediately it was a God connection!

So, the next time you get a friend request online, be nice. The next time you come in contact with someone that looks the exact opposite of what you think they should and they are reaching out to you, be careful. You never know if that is the angel assigned to you to be a blessing for this season in your life.

By the way, do you know your new online friend?

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