Wednesday, July 4, 2012

If you start another Facebook/Twitter account & email address to contact someone who blocked you, YOU'RE OFFICIALLY A STALKER! Happy 4th!
Happy Independence Day 2012!!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who's going to the midnight showing of The Amazing Spider-man in a few minutes? I'm thinking about seeing it in 3-D on the jumbo screen!
I'm gonna step AWAY from the computer now. Y'all have gotten me all worked up now. TTYL!
"When I look back over my life & I think things over. I can truly say that I've been blessed. I've got a testimony!"
If you don't forget where you've come from, you won't forget where you're going!!!!
Even though, at times, I've been a BAD BOY, I'm glad that I serve a GREAT GOD. #IFeelAPreachOnMe
Listen, I KNOW where I've come from so I'm not afraid to celebrate GOD when He blesses me.
My prayer for each of you right NOW is Psalm 118:23-25. Read it and make it your daily declaration until God does it for YOU!
Psa 118:23-25 (NASB) 25 O Lord, do save, we beseech You; O Lord, we beseech You, DO SEND PROSPERITY!
Psa 118:23-25 (NASB) 24 This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psa 118:23-25 (NASB) 23 This is the Lord’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
You can only stay down for so long. You've GOT TO come up higher!!!!! #Blessings
I dare you to holla, "I've got NEXT!!!!!" #Blessings
Text, tweet and tell somebody, "MY blessing is up NEXT!!!!!!!"
CONFESSION: I don't like Tampa. BUT I've learned, God will place you somewhere you DON'T want to be and BLESS YOUR SOCKS OFF in that place!
I'm trying to encourage somebody. If you BELIEVE & TRUST GOD things WILL turn around for you. I am a witness. Just HOLD ON!!!!!!!
I have gone from NO furniture in a 1-bd apt to a big 3bd/2ba/2 house with MORE THAN ENOUGH furniture to furnish it. #LookAtGod
Since being here in Tampa my apartment was robbed. They took everything...including my food. WATCH THIS.........
If you don't MY story, I'm not gonna let you take HIS glory.
When people don't like your blessings they will look for anything to find something negative to say. (Color, location, size, amount, etc)
When you hate someone else's blessing, you negate your own. #Learn
In this recovering housing market & economy what person would say ANYTHING negative about someone being blessed with a house?
If you don't know someone's story, PLEASE keep your mouth & ears away from negative banter.
Some of these "Christians" are nothing more than Gossiping Gals and Whispering Witches.
Nothing this Christian said was based on the facts...just assumptions and jealousy. "And who's church are you a minister?" #smh
A Christian & colleague in ministry sent a message to me full of venom trying to take away from the blessing of my new home move. #smh
Some CHRISTians give CHRIST a bad name. #ImJustSaying
#RIP Andy Griffith. You CERTAINLY were a CLASS ACT.
Spent the 1st night in the new house feeling like a freight train ran into me after all that moving. As James Brown said, I FEEL GOOD!

Monday, July 2, 2012

People often ask me what I think/feel about my "haters." My response always is, "I didn't even know they exist."