Saturday, June 30, 2012

OMG!!! This Bourbon Black & Bleu Burger from #Applebee's is speaking life into my body, mind and soul right now!
The. Text. I. Just. Got. Took. Me. Out. Of. Here. #FLATLINED lol_______________________________________________
Just finished a beautiful wedding. Now its back to MOVING!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!
#ThatAwkwardMoment when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door when you're moving and have NO TIME!!!!!
MOVING DAY!!! (Rescheduled) Tonight I will sleep in my new house. #HesAMightyGod Let's go!!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

#ThatAwkwardMoment when you realize your favorite Chinese Take-out has been closed by the County Health Department.
Thank God it's Friday!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I just told someone: You may get over on me. But, if you mess with my kids, my lady, and my ministry I'll get ya quick, fast and in a hurry.
Today IS the day I ...................(You finish it) GO!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Before you see her today, get some flowers & a card and tell her its JUST BECAUSE. She doesn't have to know you got it from me! #LoveRules
Guys, if you only give her attention on special days, you won't have many special days...or nights. #LoveRules
When you make an ordinary day a special day by giving HER special attention, YOU MAY get special attention in return...cough... #LoveRules
Guys, don't wait for a special day to give her attention. Make an ordinary day a special day by showering HER with attention. #LoveRules
In order to develop more meaningful relationships you must disconnect from meaningless associations.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I just heard someone say, "I'm an Altune." (instead of Alto) #DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the church working when I need to be moving. lol I love the saints.
I have some more "Things That Make You Wonder" but if I tweet them, I'm SURE to offend. So, I'll acquiesce and hold my tongue.
Another day that the Lord has blessed me. Let's go!!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Note to self: Beef O'Brady's EXTRA HOT Wings really are EXTRA HOT! Lord today my lips are burning.
Al Green said, "Love and happiness. Something that can make you do wrong and make you do right."
Will somebody PLEASE turn his rain off?!?!?! The only time I like rain is in a drought and, uh,
Several friends have asked to help me move. I declined because each time I make a trip moving tears begin to lap under my cheek. #Grateful
People are wondering WHERE I'm moving? I'm just moving into a 3/2/2 house near Downtown Tampa. There's testimony behind the move.Stay tuned.
MOVING DAY! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

is singing, "Rain rain go away. You're hindering my moving today." Do I need to pull out my Jesus skills and speak to the wind and rain? lol

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Entitlement - the right to have something What do you feel you are entitled to?
A lady says she likes to read. I ask her what she's reading now? She says,"Fifty Shades of Gray" by E.L. James. Me: O_0 I'm gonna learn. SMH
WHAT SAY YOU? A man asked me something & didn't like my answer so he told his wife & SHE angrily approached me. #ManLaw Violation?
#Sandusky, there are some games the guys in the State Pen play in the shower that you MAY NOT be fond of............but you deserve it.
So Jerry Sandusky is convicted. GREAT! He wanted to play with boys at Penn State, NOW the boys in the State Pen are going play with him.

Friday, June 22, 2012

At the security checkpoint. #POTUS
The Victory Party is STILL going on South Beach but gotta bring it back to Tampa. We'll be singing the National Anthem for the #POTUS.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I've got my white linen on for the OKC fune AND the #MiamiHeat Victory Party tonight. Let's #GoHeat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to LOOK for the BLESSING within the inconvenience.
My tire could have blown while driving in the rain last night on the expressway but instead it blew 1/2 from home while going 5 mph!!!
My tire blew last night coming home from church, in the rain, while stopping at a red light, only 1/2 mile from home. God is SO good!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

After the Awards Banquet I'm now leading a LATE-NIGHT Youth Mass Choir rehearsal at the PNBC Congress. Lets go!!!!!
WHITE LINEN is the attire for the OKC Funeral and the MIAMI HEAT Victory Party on South Beach. Please govern yourselves accordingly. #NBA
Happy Vanilla Milkshake Day!
RELAX! What WE call SETBACKS God calls it a SETUP.
Ladies & gentlemen, Womens IS NOT a word. Women's IS. Woman IS. Woman's IS. Womans IS NOT. Please govern yourselves accordingly. #CarryOn
All I kept saying to myself is, "If they lost my clothes, we're gonna have a major misunderstanding in here."
This morning my new dry cleaner couldn't find ANY of my clothes because they spelled Carpenter Carpender. #EPICFail

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I just finIshed Part 1 of my workshop, "The Power of Praise Within The Worship Experience" at the Baptist Convention here in Tampa.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Man, what an opening night of the Progressive National Baptist Convention Regional Congress. The Lord is here for sure!
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU WONDER: If they hated you before, what makes you think they've changed now?
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU WONDER: If they didn't keep the secret multiple times before, why would they keep a secret now?
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU WONDER: Why do people who have NO knowledge of a subject talk the most on that subject?
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU WONDER: Why do people who have the WORST grammar always talk the loudest and the most?
The Progressive National Baptist Convention S.E. Regional Congress opens today in Tampa, FL. Let's go!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

OMG!!!! The Tiramisu Cheesecake from The @CheesecakeFactory is nothing short of heavenly. Thanks to my daughter Stacey!
At the office in a final meeting for the Progressive National Baptist Convention Regional Congress this week here in Tampa. Let's go!!!!!
My oldest daughter just told me about the Tiramisu Cheesecake from The @CheesecakeFactory. You KNOW where I'm headed after this meeting?
Lord, Rodney King is gone and we STILL can't get along. #RIP Bro King.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Some people you don't have to talk to all the time...but when you's all good.
Some people you hate to talk on the phone with. Some people you love to talk on the phone with. But I LOVE talking on the phone with HER.
Ministering at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church's Father's Day Program. #PrayMyStrength

Friday, June 15, 2012

You may not like his policies but he is the President. People didn't disrespect Bill Clinton this way when he...well you know...cough...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

TIP: When someone says they're not going to EVER text you again but eventually does text you, respond with "Who is this?"
I'm so glad Jesus lifted me. Glory hallelujah! Let's go!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

1st night of Vacation Bible School down. 1 soul came to the Lord. God be praised. Good night. Signed, The Taco Bell Lover
Petty people ALWAYS act PECULIAR.
I LOVE when I walk in a room where someone is talking about you, but they're not quite sure if you heard them. #Idid
For those of you in the church....a BUZZ KILLER is someone who kills your joy. Got it? lol (Thanks Linda)
Taco Bell Girl Update: I just glanced at my receipt. She wrote her phone number on the back. I guess she's thinking OUTSIDE the BOX! Haaaa!
Here's a tip: Stop inviting BUZZ KILLERS to your PARTY!
OMG!!!!! The cashier at this Taco Bell drive-thru just came-on to me. I am SO done. Lol
OMG! The cashier in this Taco Bell drive-thru just came-on to me. I am SO done. Lol
Some people are Buzz Killers.
It REALLY IS a beautiful day!!!! Let's go? I'm gone!!!!!!!!!! lol

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I cannot believe I'm just waking up from a nap. Lord today.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

What a long, tiring, yet fulfilling day of ministry. The ONLY setback? I didn't get the chance to dress up as "Carp the Clown" for the kids.

Friday, June 8, 2012

I see the HERESY HUNTERS are out in FULL FORCE tonight. I wish they would get a life and stop worrying about others' lives. smh
And finally, for all you PREACHERS that are about to throw STONES at the DOLLAR....STAND DOWN lest we see into YOUR dirty GLASS HOUSE.
Kids can be STUPID. But as parents it can't be "Stupid IS as stupid DOES." Famous or not...BE WISE or you'll have a prison ministry too.
When you're trying to save your child from trouble they aren't wise enough to see and then they rebel, it hurts.
PARENTS: Its a different day!!!! Kids will post on Facebook, Twitter AND call the police on you. Be WISE!!!!!
We just need to pray for the Dollar family. They have family issues JUST LIKE YOU AND I do. Now where's that book on parenting at? lol
If the truth REALLY be told, some parents are AFRAID of their children so they end up raising MONSTERS. But, please allow my digression...
Some parents say, "I brought you in this world, and I'll take you out." They ain't gonna do a THING but let them run roughshod over them.
Alot of parents EGO TALK about what they'll do if THEY'RE child did this or that. Truth be told you REALLY don't know HOW you'd react.
I'd be willing to bet that it may have been the worst time but not the first time that 15yo daughter got "out of line."
ANY parent that has teenagers know their juvenile insanity will cause you temporary insanity, but you have to respond wisely & properly.
Let's face it: Times HAVE changed. In some places, if a parent hits a child to chastise them, the authorities WILL pick them up.
This arrest in Georgia is a personal family issue that became public. Spare the rod. Spoil the child. TRUE. But we must use wisdom in HOW.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I know the world is coming to an end soon. I just heard Sean Hannity praise Bill Clinton for 20 minutes.
#OneWord YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because we love the familiar, some remain in the uncomfortable because its familiar instead surrendering to God and walking in the unknown.
Because of our human nature, we want to be in control of every aspect of our life instead SURRENDERING our life to God.
Total SURRENDER to God requires letting go of the FAMILIAR and launching into the UNKNOWN.
Not only did the hackers breach LinkedIn, they also breached eHarmony as well. Lawd, what are we gonna do?!?!?!? lol

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

The movie "Battleship" is THE movie of the summer. It's action-packed and you'll be on the edge of your seat the entire time!
Church folks are just saved to keep from going to Hell. Christians are disciplined (disciples) like Christ.
I'm loving THIS day. #ThankYouJesus

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Next Saturday at our church Neighborhood Block Party, I'll be the CLOWN!!! Insert jokes & comments ===> HERE! _________________

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I can now have up to 8 devices connected to my 4G Wi-Fi "on the go" with NO CONTRACT through Clear 4G Wireless.
Hey, what number represents FAVOR spiritually? Someone just asked me....and NOT because they wanna play the numbers tonight. lol
One coaching session & then to International Plaza and Bay Street for my own RETAIL THERAPY. Wanna join me? Let's go!
If your church is having a Neighborhood Block Party in the 'hood, do not have "petting the police dogs" as a kids' activity. lol
At the church house!!!!!!!
What a beautiful Saturday it is. On my way to the church house, then SHOPPING and maybe the BEACH. Wanna come? Let's go!!!!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just heard: "Everybody can sing, but how do they sound?" lol
Wanna know if your nearest Krispy Kreme has HOT doughnuts? Download the HOT LIGHTS APP on Google Play AND Apple App Store NOW!