Thursday, May 31, 2012

This day has taken some twists and some turns and I am loving every minute of it!
Give me a "HOW YOU DOING?!" if you think Rasputia from "Norbit" is SEXY!!!!!!
How YOU doing?!?!?!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sometimes it's hell being anointed AND good-looking.
Sometimes it's hell being anointed AND talented.
Sometimes you've got to grab on the horns of the altar and not let go until you've got an answer from the Lord.
Sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do. So I did it. Let's go!!!!!
Watch out for folks who smile in your face while stabbing you in the back and then have the gall to ask, "Where's the blood coming from?"
Watch out for people who throw their rocks, hide their hands, and then inquire about what's happening? INSTIGATORS
Instigator- A person who intentionally incites something, especially one that starts trouble. They "throw rocks" and hide their hands.
Here's a snack I want to share JUST in time for summer. Elote: Mexican Corn on the Cob. DELICIOUS!
I'm finna DIVE into this fresh-baked Apple Pie ala mode with Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream. #JudgeMe Where's Caro and Lesa?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What do you call it when someone who KNOWS you're not in a good mood comes to you with MORE foolishness?
SERIOUS TWEET/POST: I was just told something that literally made me weak & faint. I'll be alright but I still solicit your prayers.
If you INTENTIONALLY avoid accountability, you'll INEVITABLY run into trouble.
Accountability is your friend...especially when you've done wrong.
Accountability is not your enemy.
Stop using the "Don't Let The Enemy Get Involved" Card when you're being held accountable for something wrong you've done.
Some of you "friends" are not friends, but rather they are "misplaced enemies."
If they're not willing to fight WITH you, they're certainly not going to fight FOR you.
Stop WASTING time on people who don't VALUE your time.
Stop WASTING time on people who won't INVEST their time in you.
Another math problem. For 12yrs they say they couldn't afford to come visit you but on 3 occasions spend a week on vacation in your city.
Let's do some math. For 12yrs they said they didn't have money to come visit you but yet they're passing thru your city to visit another.
Stop setting your EXPECTATIONS on people who don't think you've met their QUALIFICATIONS!
When people don't do what they said they were gonna do it means they didn't want to do it in the 1st place.
Don't expect people who don't take an interest in you to take an interest in you.
Someone gave me a litany of excuses of why they couldn't come to Tampa, but yet they are passing through Tampa to St. Pete. REALLY?!
People find a way to do what they want to do when they want to do it.

Monday, May 28, 2012

I went Roller Skating tonight for the 1st time in years. I had a blast and was recognized by a 1st time visitor at church today.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Won't you be my neighbor? Let's go!!!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Janet Jackson in Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married, Too?" - Lift your hands and tell the Lord thank ya! #OkBye
Jill Scott in Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married, Too?" Whooo Weeeeee!!!! #ThatIsAll
Thank you all for your prayers for the family of the deceased 2 month old baby girl.
About to deliver the eulogy of a 2 month old baby girl. Pray for the family of this precious one.
You CAN Find Peace In The Midst of Pain.

Friday, May 25, 2012

"Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."- Ronald Reagan
Cracker Barrel has Old Time Favorite Sodas in the bottle 4 for $4.44. Limited time only. Get your's today!
Here's one thing I like about traveling in the South....CRACKER BARREL. Let's go!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

You can't love THEM unconditionally until you learn how to love YOURSELF totally.
Unconditional love = Love without limits.
Misplaced emotions are emotions placed in the wrong direction or person.
Much of what we call love isn't love and has caused many of us to misplaced emotions.
It takes maturity to discern & demonstrate unconditional love.
When you really love someone you can never stop loving them. You can only stop demonstrating your love to them.
Somebody penned a series entitled, "Teach Me How To Love You." Real love knows how to love you.
Real love says, "I'm not concerned with your PAST because I love you NOW and in our FUTURE.
Real love says, "At your worst I'll love you with my best."
If you're keeping track of my faults and using them against me (even silently) you may not love me.
The Bible says, "Love covers a multitude of faults..." (unconditional)
If you love someone with conditions, and not unconditionally, its not love.
The term "unconditional love" is redundant. Love in its most authentic form IS unconditional.
Its Monday, Monday, Monday!!!!! Im about to walk in this meeting and take AUTHORITY! You can during your day as well. Let's go!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to my 1st love Quantrelle L. Miller. I STILL laugh & smile when I think of you. I'll see you just inside the Eastern Gate!
THIS is THE day......(fill in the blank) Let's go!!!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Even in my sleepy stupor, I'm excited about the worship experience tomorrow. As a matter of fact I've already started here at home.
This couch is making me sleepy.
And the prophetic script has been fulfilled. So it is. So shall it ever be.

Friday, May 18, 2012

When you're in the right place at the right time doing the right thing, FAVOR is the norm.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's SUPPER TIME! Let's go!!!! Who knows about "supper time?"
You don't know what precious is until you experience someone or something of great value and worth.
Precious means, "of high price or great value; very valuable or costly" - "Jesus is precious." or "She is precious."
is singing, "Jesus is precious. He is so precious. Jesus is precious to me."
is singing, "Precious Jesus. How I love you. How I lift high my voice with your praise."
is singing, "Oh how precious is the name of Jesus."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WHAT SAY YOU? Ladies, at a minimum, what does it cost for a woman to get a manicure, pedicure and her hair done?
Pt 3 - DING DING DING!! Time up. She asked the guy for the $100 to get her hair, nails & feet done. What was YOUR answer?
Pt. 2 - She said the $100 (to get her hair, nails, & feet done) must have fallen out of her purse while getting out of her car in the rain.
A woman (friend) just sent a text to a guy next to me saying she lost her money for her hair, nails & feet. Will she ask him for the money?
You ever been on the phone with a Customer Service Representative and felt like they had it out for you? Geesh?!?!?!?!?!?
Pastors: If you're going to email/post your Anniversary flyer, make sure you spell ANNIVERSARY correctly. It's NOT a good look. ijs

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What an incredibly busy day. I didn't plan on today being like this. I'm grateful though. :-)

Monday, May 14, 2012

At a planning meeting for the Progressive National Baptist Convention Regional Conference in Tampa June 18-22, 2012.
Good things may fall apart so that better things can come together.
Longing for the past keeps you from your future.
Being SENTIMENTAL can be DETRIMENTAL. Move forward!!!!
Sometimes our BIGGEST PROBLEM is looking back. Ask Lot's wife. Her life was literally destroyed because she looked back.
Both of those songs, ("Let Go, Let God," & "I Won't Go Back") speak of letting go, moving forward, and not going back.
Two songs that have ministered to me personally are, "Let Go, Let God" sang by Dewayne Woods and "I Won't Go Back" sang by William McDowell.
We allow people to worry us about stuff that has nothing to do with fulfilling our assignments from God.
We're commanded to love EVERYBODY. But let's face it, some folks you MUST love from a distance.
Excluding certain persons out of your life can be considered selfish...or it can be considered necessary for your sanity.
God won't put more on us than we can bear, but how much STUFF are we allowing in our lives that God never intended for us?
Caring for the wounded doesn't mean allowing people to bleed on you. (metaphorically speaking)
Stop tripping because someone un-friends, un-follows or deletes you. There is life outside of social media. (or at least there SHOULD BE)
You have to tell some folks, "Life brings trouble, so I'm not gonna allow you to bring it too."
Somebody asked, "Why don't you ever respond to my calls/texts?" I said, "Because every time you call/text its drama or negativity."
Sometimes you have to shut down Twitter & Facebook, close the email, delete the texts, and don't answer the phone to avoid negativity.
Start your day off with PRAYER and POSSIBILITIES.
If you start off your day negatively, you have determined that your day will be negative.
You ever said, "Good morning" to someone & their response was, "What's good about it?" Its to early for all that negativity.
Hey there, it's still morning. Chill out with the negativity already. Its a great day!!!!!!! Let's go!!!!
I have this piece of Pecan Pie that was given to me that I'm trying not to eat YET. Pray for me!!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thank you to EVERYONE that wished me a Happy Birthday. Its an honor to be connected to each of you. May God richly bless you. Let's go!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS! What would we have done without our moms?

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Avengers in 3D........A++++ #TheAvengers
#RobertsBirthdayTips Maximize & value every moment & every meaningful person in your life. You'll realize how blessed you are. :-)
#RobertsBirthdayTips When you start feeling for your wallet, your keys and adjusting your pants like your old uncle, you're getting old.
#RobertsBirthdayTips When you jump up out of the bed and feel a sharp pain in a place you NEVER felt before, you're getting old.
#RobertsBirthdayTips Whenever you start ending phone calls without saying 'bye', you're starting to get old.
#RobertsBirthdayTips If you have to "tinkle" before you preach, GO THEN, or else the urge will come right at the climax of your sermon.
#RobertsBirthdayTips When your body whispers to you, LISTEN, or else it will begin to scream.
#RobertsBirthdayTips After a certain age, you can walk around with a warning sign because you don't have to tolerate FOOLISH-MESS!
#RobertsBirthdayTips When your mind "tells you" to do something, do it THEN because you WILL forget.
It's my birthday ya'll. Stand by for Robert's Birthday Tips. Let's go!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Okay everybody. Tomorrow is a CELEBRATE!!! (in my Mr. Brown voice) It's my 41st birthday!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow! I just got a reminder from Google Calendar that my 41st birthday is tomorrow. Really?!?! lol
Wait, wasn't Eric Benet married to and cheated on Halle Berry? How do you cheat on Halle Berry?!?! Hmmmmm.
You betta sang, "REAL LOVE" Eric Benet!!!!!!!!!
If you are RAISING HELL about the POTUS's decision and aren't registered to vote...SHUT UP and go register to vote TODAY!
For all of you that are RAISING HELL about the POTUS's decision, please check your voter registration card so you can vote in November.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where will the African-American church land on the issue of Same-sex Marriage? In SUPPORT of the POTUS or AGAINST like White Evangelicals?
It's rare that I'm speechless. I usually have something to say about everything. However, this is one of those times where, "I'm SPEECHLESS!
WHAT SAY YOU LADIES? What would YOU do if you found out your man/husband was involved with another MAN? Real talk. Go!
What an incredibly great day it is. THIS is the day. Let's go!!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WHAT SAY YOU? Have YOU ever dated/married interracially? Good or bad experience? Let's chat. Go!!!!!
Shout out to the white girl in school who wanted to date a black guy but her parents almost put her out. She's now married to...a black guy.
Some people are SOOOOOO worrisome. Lord today!!!!!!!!
My iTunes playlist is going deep. 1st Lenny Williams,"Cause I Love You,"then, Robin Thicke, "Lost Without You." If Luther comes on ITS OVER!
Since PATIENCE is a virtue, HOPE keeps you focused.
Since PATIENCE is a virtue, FAITH is a neccessity.
Since PATIENCE is a virtue, DETERMINATION is a must. Let's go!
Sometimes you've got to get up before everyone else to make it happen. Let's go!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Man its hot. I went out for 15 minutes and came back soaked in sweat. Smh
What an incredibly busy and productive day. I NEED to get me some lunch now. Let's go!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who has seen "The Three Stooges" movie? I SO want to see that. Reviews anyone? Go!!!!!!
Spring cleaning and packing for next month's big move today. What are you accomplishing today?
A+ for the movie "Think Like A Man."

Friday, May 4, 2012

On way to see "Think Like A Man" for the1st time. #ThinkLikeAMan
Somebody SHUT UP @IAmSteveHarvey this morning. "Stevie Wonder never had a dog...." #DEADEADEADEAD!!!!!!!!!! lol

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wow!!! @AndersonCooper just GOT Rush @Limbaugh. Stand by for Rush's response Friday at Noon eastern. Lol
God is not American. He's the God of every nation.
Senator John Edwards, is going to prison AND Hell.>>
Ladies & gentlemen, P.F. Chang's now has an APP. Download it on Google Play (Android) and the APP Store (Apple) TODAY! Let's go!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How many people have heard in church, "Take all mistakes for love?"
Poor CNN!!!>>
#TheBloodOfJesus soothes loneliness.
NEVER forget #TheBloodOfJesus.
#TheBloodOfJesus makes a bitter person sweet again.
#TheBloodOfJesus makes a mean person nice.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals infertility.
#TheBloodOfJesus washes away ALL our sins.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals drug HIV/AIDS.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals drug addiction.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals depression.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals diabetes.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals cancer.
#TheBloodOfJesus heals mental illness.
No matter how far you grow in Christ, NEVER forget the Blood of Jesus.
CORRECTION: Women who DON'T keep their hair done #MakeMeSick (Thanks @FindinACure77)
Look at your neighbor and say, "He's baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!"
Women who join the church with the intentions of joining with a man at the church #MakeMeSick
Women who are desperate #MakeMeSick
Women who lie #MakeMeSick
Women who tell you how to raise YOUR kids but don't how make their's mind #MakeMeSick (That was straight country talk there. lol)
Women who are busybodies #MakeMeSick
Women who don't have a pot nor a window......#MakeMeSick
Women who are insecure #MakeMeSick
Women who don't love themselves #MakeMeSick
Women who poison their children against their fathers TOTALLY #MakeMeSick

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Women that don't keep a neat and clean house #MakeMeSick
Women who can't cook #MakeMeSick
Women with bad breath #MakeMeSick
Women who dress nice but have children looking raggedy #MakeMeSick
Women who stalk men online REALLY #MakeMeSick
Women who think the world revolves around them #MakeMeSick
Women that can't pray #MakeMeSick
Women who complain constantly #MakeMeSick
Women who nag #MakeMeSick
Women who keep their hair done #MakeMeSick
Women with dirty fingernails #MakeMeSick
Women who run 'game' #MakeMeSick
Nasty women #MakeMeSick
Vindictive women #MakeMeSick
Needy women #MakeMeSick
The closest your enemies should get to you is when God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. (Psa 23:5)
If your enemy can't GET to you, then your enemy won't be able to get TO you.
Stop giving your enemies access to your heart and soul.
There are people whose lives are so empty, their only goal is to make YOUR life as miserable as theirs. CUT THEM OFF!!!!!!
When you "Stand Your Ground" your enemies will question whether or not you have the right to Stand Your Ground. (Ephesians 6:13)
When you declare you're gonna "Stand Your Ground," prepare for a desperate attack from the enemies in your life. (Ephesians 6:13)
You must "Stand Your Ground" against the enemy violating your domain. (Ephesians 6:13)
I shared a message Sunday entitled, "It's Time To Stand Your Ground." My keynote scripture was Ephesians 6:13
is singing, "Oh, what a beautiful Mornin' Oh, what a beautiful day. I've got a beautiful feelin' Everything's goin' my way."