Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good morning. The Collard Greens came out pretty good. I fell asleep and almost burned them though. lol

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What are you waiting on? Let's go!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

As soon as u get rid of that "yesterday" spirit, tomorrow will surely come!
I love my kids! (who aren't kids anymore. lol) #ThatisAll
There's a blessing in your obedience to God! Whatever He Says To You, Do It!
If you'll learn to obey, God will bless you! Whatever He Says To You, Do It!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Are you done telling God what to do? "Whatever HE says to you, do it!" John 2:5
God not answering your prayers? Maybe you're talking too much.
God's greatness in you is recognized when HE'S manifested through you. Manifest HIS greatness today. Let's go!
"True love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." - Wedding Crashers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The moment you think the world revolves around you, is the moment you'll begin to find out it doesn't. #HumbleYourself 1 Pet 5:6
Just waking up from nap #1 after a most memorable 146th Church Anniversary weekend.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

He's a jealous God. He will love you 24/7/365.
He's a jealous God. He will love you more than you or anyone else can love you.
He's a jealous God. He won't cheat on you.
He's a jealous God. Love Him with all your heart instead of what's left.
He's a jealous God. Stop treating Him like He owes YOU something.
He's a jealous God. Stop treating Him like He's your Sugar Daddy.
He's a jealous God. Stop treating Him like He's your side-piece.
If you love someone you shouldn't do anything to make them jealous. So why do many treat God like He's the "jump-off?"
We might as well give God the glory. He's gonna get it one way or the other.
Rise and shine. Let's give God the glory today. Let's go!

Friday, August 19, 2011

My daughter, Adriana Nicole, just made MY day on HER 17th Birthday. #ProudPapa
I think we should start a movement or at least a #TT called #IgnoreIgnorance . #IgnoreIgnorance #IgnoreIgnorance #IgnoreIgnorance
WHAT SAY YOU? If you THOUGHT a loved one was moving in the wrong direction in life would you just "pray," confront, or gossip.
WHAT SAY YOU? How many times have you wanted to correct a colleague/loved one but didn't because of fear of their response?
HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY to my baby girl, Adriana Nicole. I love you & I'm proud of you. You really ARE your Father's daughter. lol

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Man, these Lays STAX chips (Pringles) are taking me in right now. #HungryTweet

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Homegoing Celebration of Pastor Zachery Tims is Saturday, 11 AM at 1st Baptist Orlando. 3000 S John Young Parkway, Orlando 32805

Monday, August 15, 2011

THRR - Tami "Hood Rat" Roman -- Sounds like a professional wrestler. lol #BasketballWivesReunion
Tami, you called Meka GHETTO? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Im just sayin #BasketballWivesReunion
Umm Tami.................nevermind! #BasketballWivesReunion
REAL classy Jennifer! SMH #Basketball Wives Reunion
The Homegoing Celebration of Pastor Zachery Tims is Saturday, 11 AM at 1st Baptist Orlando. 3000 S John Young Parkway, Orlando 32805
OMG! What happened to Tammy's hair? #BasketballWives
Here we go!!!! #BasketballWives
T-Minus 30 minutes until the Basketball Wives Season 3 Reunion on #Vh1. Let's go! #BasketballWives
Here's an idea: Why don't we treat the Tims Family and New Destiny Church how WE'D want to be treated if it were us? #GoldenRule
I'm having a difficult time with this one but death forces us to submit to God's sovereign authority. Pray for his family & church.
Good morning Saints & Aints. Didn't sleep well but I'm still gonna conquer this day. Lets go!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

If you don't normally call me for ministry or personal reasons, DO NOT call me now to get info. Govern yourselves accordingly. #GoodNight
I'm sick to hear of the death of a fellow servant of God. Whatever, however, it's very sad & we ALL must give an account to God.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

JUST OVERHEARD: "I'm SEXIFIED! What's that? A sanctified woman that's sexy." #DEADEADEADEAD!!!!!!!
WHAT SAY YOU? Is is possible to "be in love" with a person you've only known online & never met in person? @eharmony @match
WHAT SAY YOU? We now have another Christian Evangelical Texas Governor running for President. #RickPerry
At the church house for a board meeting.

Friday, August 12, 2011

People may try to lock you "in the box" but keep thinking 'outside the box." Let's go!
If absence makes the heart grow fonder, you must really be in love with God. Its been awhile huh?
Twelve First Date Questions by #12- Are you a traveler?
Twelve First Date Questions by #11- Where do you feel most relaxed?
Twelve First Date Questions by #10- What kind of music do you like?
Twelve First Date Questions by #9- The sky is the limit
Twelve First Date Questions by #8- What's your favorite dessert?
Twelve First Date Questions by #7- Your ideal dinner guest?
Twelve First Date Questions by #6- Your Favorite Day Ever
Twelve First Date Questions by #5- What's one thing about you that would surprise me?
Twelve First Date Questions by So what do you find attractive?
Twelve First Date Questions by #4- What do you do for a living?
Twelve First Date Questions by #2- What's in your fridge?
Twelve First Date Questions by #1- Read anything interesting lately?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? Ladies, if your husband was killed at the hands of his mistress, what would your response be publicly? Let's talk.
Saturday, August 11, 1990 in San Antonio, TX I gave my heart to the Lord and made him my Savior. #StillWinning
If your girl tells you she dreamt she accidentally shot and killed you, you need to develop an exit strategy immediately. #ThatIsAll
Sometimes you're so tired when you DO wake up from a long nap, you're STILL too sleepy to get up.
I need to find & post my message, "Because He is, I AM."
"I don't know precisely what God is doing right now but I trust Him knowing He is."
Diagnosis is a condition. Prognosis is the outcome. God says your prognosis is greater than your diagnosis! You're ALREADY healed!
Good morning people. Let's go get 'em!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No matter what WAR you're in, position yourself and remember praise is your weapon of mass destruction.
If you knew your REAL worth would you still allow people to treat you the way they do?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You know that saying, "Everything that glitters isn't gold?" It's true. Good night.
I'm no fan of Jennifer but Eric Williams took the punk route. #BasketballWives
Al Reynolds was at Jennifer's divorce party?..........cough.......smh.....#fail #BasketballWives
OMG! With all due respect, Evelyn is TOO beautiful of a woman to be THAT insecure. #BasketballWives
I'm about to watch last's night season finale of #Vh1's Basketball Wives on DVR. I was asleep last night. #BasketballWives
If you have Christ you shouldn't look like you've been baptized in prune juice and smothered in lemon sauce. #Smile
WORSHIP - 'therapeuo' (greek) means "to cure or to heal." (Real) Worship is therapy. Check this out==>

Praise Is Your Weapon of Mass Destruction - Part 1

Some stuff we ALREADY KNOW if we're in that situation what our response will be. Don't lie to yourself and you can conquer it.
For those that requested, an excerpt of Sunday's message, "Praise Is Your Weapon of Mass Destruction" will uploaded later today.
"Storm clouds may rise. Strong winds may blow. But I'll tell the world wherever I go that I've found a Saviour and He's sweet, I know."
These thunderstorms remind me of the message by Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, "Storms Keep Coming."

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I've decided "Harlem Nights" will watch me as I go to sleep. Then I will be awaken by Kerney Thomas hollering "GAWD" in the morning. GN
Saints & was a joke (albeit lame) on married couples conceiving after #SundayBest. 5/13/12 is the DUE DATE for a baby. UGH!
Harlem Nights or Player's Club on DVD. Which one?
Shout out to all the UNMARRIED couples who after watching the #SundayBest Love Song show want to go IN but can't.............Cough
Shout out to all the MARRIED couples that are going IN tonight after BET's #SundayBest Love song show. #SaveTheDate May 13, 2012
The Lord met us today. I preached "Praise Is Your Weapon of Mass Destruction" like I was gonna lose my mind. (2 Chronicles 20)
Shout out to my son, who is playing the keyboard for the choir today for the first time. I'm SO proud of him. #DaddysBoy
Man, I am in expectation of a mighty move of God today. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Let's go!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

‎10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by fights fair.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by’s a grown-up.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by can handle your emotions.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by wants to build a life with you.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by’s consistent.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by’s kind.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by shows you how much he cares.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by appreciates your quirks.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by’s there for you in a crisis.
10 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper by He’s willing to put you first.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #9 - Celebrate what connects you to each other, what’s most special, & what works best.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #8 - Surprise him…based on the notion that men long to be free and spontaneous.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #7 - Show that you understand where he’s coming from.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #6 - Ask questions that encourage him to open up & choose to BELIEVE that he wants to open up.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #5 - Say what you’d really like to do together.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #4 - Express appreciation for something he said or did.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #3 - Say what you’d really like, “I’d really appreciate it if you…
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #2 - Give him your undivided attention, eye to eye.
9 Things Men Find Romantic by - #1 - Express interest in what he is thinking, feeling, wanting, and doing by asking him.
‎3 Relationship Myths by - #3 - Showing a Man Your Feelings Will Scare Him Away
3 Relationship Myths by - #2 - Exclusivity Leads to Commitment and Marriage
3 Relationship Myths by - #1: Giving = Getting
Its a beautiful morning in the Tampa Bay area. I already got my morning exercise in. NEXT: Breakfast! Let's go!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fred Sanford said, "The Bible says, 'Finder's keepers, loser's weepers. Right next to where it says 'Seek and ye shall find.'" LOL
I am SO looking forward to this weekend. Beach. Movies. Then I'm preaching, "Praise Is Your Weapon of Mass Destruction." Let's go!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grammar people!!!!! UGH! #UltimateMerger
"She was an old white woman."-Elijah #DEAD #UltimateMerger
Its time for the mediation room. Who's going home? #UltimateMerger
O_O #UltimateMerger
Jason dances like..........ME! #UltimateMerger
Ummm, is Elijah 'posed to be in THIS reality show? #UltimateMerger
"I'm gonna sleep on the front of this couch."-Cedric o_O WHAT is the front of a couch? #UltimateMerger
Oooh Toccara called Elijah OUT. It DID look lie he was over there trying to setup something on the side. #UltimateMerger
"I've been doing this since I was 12 or 11." - Cedric Doing WHAT Sir? #UltimateMerger
No he didn't call him Bruce Lee!!! lol #UltimateMerger
Alright. Let's go! Ultimate Merger w/ Toccara is ON TvOne. #UltimateMerger
Who's watching "The Ultimate Merger 2" with Toccara on TVOne tonight at 9 PM EST?
WHAT SAY YOU? If you could do what you wanted to do but can't do now, what would you do?
Gov. Rick Scott served donuts in Tampa yesterday. This morning he walked on the LIVE set of NewsChannel 8 with donuts. lol "The Donut Man?"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? I'm producing "A Tribute To Walter Hawkins" Concert in Tampa, FL September 24. What songs do YOU suggest? Let's go!
Working out at the church house!
Face it: Some people aren't ready for prime-time. They're only ready for Saturday morning cartoons.
Who's going to WindDown Wednesdays in Centennial Park today?
Total praise shifts the spiritual atmospheric conditions.
Total praise IS a multi-sensory experience.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Don't wait for the one you can live with. Wait for the one you can't live without."
"Pass me not Oh gentle Savior. Hear my humble cry. While on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by."
WHAT SAY YOU? J-Lo said, "I love myself enough to walk away." (from marriage) Do you consider this a selfish act?
OMG!!! Something in the wind stinks here in Lakeland. #CantBreathe
If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.
10 habits of highly organized people from - #9 - Foresee (and avoid) problems
10 habits of highly organized people from - #10 - Know where to donate
10 habits of highly organized people from - #8 - Separate emotions from possessions
10 habits of highly organized people from - #7 - Ask for help
10 habits of highly organized people from - #6 - Create a dump zone
10 habits of highly organized people from - #5 - Stick with what works
10 habits of highly organized people from - #4 - Schedule regular decluttering sessions
10 habits of highly organized people from - #3 - Never label anything "miscellaneous."
10 habits of highly organized people from - #2 - Make peace with imperfection
10 habits of highly organized people from - #1 - Walk away from bargains
"Love is a sign from the heavens that you are here for a reason." - J. Ghetto
REPOST: We must enjoy our lifetime moments in order to experience moments of a lifetime. Let's go!

Monday, August 1, 2011

"We must enjoy our lifetime moments in order to experience moments of a lifetime." - Robert L. Carpenter, II
I bet the tape lady has recorded TBN shows in all those tapes? I bet you see Jan crying. #Hoarders
With all those satellite dishes in her yard she looks like TBN's newest station. #hoarders #WheresJanCrouch?
#NW - #Hoarders That lady got more tapes than T.D. Jakes' media department.
As much as I don't care for Jennifer, THAT was COWARDLY for her ex to do. #BasketballWives #OMG
Did you see the preview for next week's show? #Speechless #BasketballWives
Jennifer ought to KNOW Tami is just waiting on another opportunity to cut up. #SMH #BasketballWives
Did it look like Jennifer's date (Al Reynolds friend...cough) fake sip his drink? #BasketballWives
Lord they got T.O. crying on HIS reality show......*sets DVR
"If I get laid I'll let you know."-Jennifer to Suzie about her upcoming date. Um, a REAL woman NEVER tells. #FYI #BasketballWives
"I'll be here for awhile." - Chad to Evelyn's daughter. And you mean what Sir? #BasketballWives
Chad, Chad, Chad.....#BasketBallWives
Ain't I tell ya about the Suzie last week? Wow. #BasketballWives
The famous Mr. Ed.........#BasketballWives
Al Reynolds wants to hook Jennifer up with one of HIS friends? #iWont #BasketballWives
Why don't you say how you REALLY feel Tami. #BasketBallWives
Basketball Wives is on...just in case you're interested. #BasketballWives #Vh1
So I walk in a public restroom and see a grown man whispering on his cell phone in the corner. #WhatIsHEdoing?
WHAT SAY YOU? A married newly-saved father of 4 quit his job so he can be in church on Sundays after his work schedule changed.
Monday, Monday.......Lord today.