Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lord today it doesn't make ANY sense for it to be THIS hot 9:35 at night. Ugh!
is singing, "Ain't no need to worry what the night is gonna bring. It'll be all over in the morning. "
Don't let your past keep you from the blessings of your future cause you're about to blow uppppppp!
Don't ignorant intimidated people hinder your production. You're about to blow up! Let's go!!!!!
OMG! The Strawberry Letter 23 on The Steve Harvey Morning Show has taken me OUT this morning. LOL @IAmSteveHarvey
Ain't I tell ya, "You're about to blow up!" (Ebonics intentional)
If you say it, you'll believe it. If you believe it, you'll demonstrate it. If you demonstrate it, IT WILL manifest. Let's go!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Diamond is a guy's best friend..........................
The only thing worth watching on "Single Ladies" is Lisa Raye. #fail I'm turning back to "The Real McCoy" on tvOne.
Lisa Raye is on VH-1 AND tvOne right now.................cough
I can see now THIS show is gonna be full of unnecessary drama. OMG! #BasketballWives
I'm running out to the supermarket instead of watching, "Basketball Wives" on #VH-1. They are SO.......(finish it) #basketballwives
The new season of "Basketball Wives" starts at 8pm EST on VH1. Who's watching?
WHAT SAY YOU? Rack of Lamb or Baby Back Ribs today?
The new season of "Basketball Wives" begins tonight on #VH1 at 8 PM EST. Who's watching? I'm gonna try NOT to watch it.
"Everybody know Jerome's got more girls then Jherri has curls." - Jerome on the TV Show "Martin"
"I'm an international playa...from the Himalayas." - Jerome on the TV Show "Martin."
Watermelon w/ Lime Ginger Syrup - 1/3 cup lime juice, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp fresh grated ginger. Mix & drizzle over watermelon.
After the treadmill I HAD TO take a nap. Up getting tips "From Martha's Kitchen" on the Hallmark Channel. #DontJudgeMe
Time to get on the treadmill after THAT big breakfast.
Scrambled eggs w/ cheese, Georgia Sausage, Thick-sliced Bacon, Biscuits and Pomegranate/Blueberry Juice all prepared by ME. Have some?

"I'm About To Blow Up" - Pt 2 - The Prayer of Jabez

We honor all those who died defending our country today. Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I woke up from a nap and the MUSIC CHOICE Gospel Channel is doing a Trin-I-Tee 5:7 Marathon.......................................

"I'm About To Blow Up" - Pt 1 - The Prayer of Jabez

About to upload today's message, "I'm About To Blow Up! - The Prayer of Jabez." God met us today.
Im traveling again this morning. Can't wait to preach,"I'm About To Blow Up!" this morning at my church. #PrayerOfJabez

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"No matter what the people say, I can't, I can't let go
I can't let go, no, no, oh..." - Anthony Hamilton #OkImDone
I'm sitting here minding my own business & all of a sudden Anthony Hamilton's "Can't Let Go" comes on. Lord today!
Listening to Bishop Noel Jones, "I've Been Approved" from COGIC Convocation while traveling.
For those that requested, my message from Good Friday is uploaded. "There's A Connection Between Vinegar & Victory."

There's A Connection Between Vinegar & Victory

Relax. What you're going through was a setup from the beginning.
Lord Jesus I woke up hungry this morning. #FoodAlert

Friday, May 27, 2011

You know traffic is bad when the on-ramp is a parking lot. Smh
God is about destroy what you're used to so He can give you what He has for you.
You must prepare NOW for your capacity to expand THEN. Ask Jabez.....
The season of lack DURING recession is about to end for those who implement the principles Jabez did.
Tell your neighbor, "I'm about to blow up!" #PrayerOfJabez
Thank God it's Friday!!!!!
Well I better get back to work on my sermon for Sunday. Preaching on Jabez Sunday. #GotSomeRevelation
I'm enjoying my fresh-baked Miami Heat Victory Sugar Cookies. #GoHeat
Ya'll REALLY should have let Dennis Rodman have remarks. He had his black dress on and all. #BullsFuneral

Thursday, May 26, 2011

For the recessional, Glenn Frye is singing, "The Heat Is On." #BullsFuneral
Michael Jordan just called the Bulls and said, "That's why I moved to south Florida." #BullsFuneral
Mayor Rahm Emmanuel just cussed EVERYBODY in the city out at the #BullsFuneral.
Wait, I just saw Jesse Dixon trying to get a solo and Dennis Rodman wants remarks at the #BullsFuneral.
Pastor Obama is doing the Eulogy and Evangelist Oprah is about to give the benediction at the #BullsFuneral.
Calling Steadman to be an ersher at the #BullsFuneral. Micheal Jordan will do the graveside service.
Getting ready for the Bull ls Fune. Who's the fat lady that's singing tonight in Chicago? #BullsFuneral
Wow. I woke up from a nap and #Twitter is on FIRE because of "the" settlement.
I need a nap before the Chicago Bulls Fune tonight. #GoHeat
Ladies, Spanx aren't supposed to show right? Somebody missed the memo. UGH!!!!!!
Whatever your thoughts, I'm glad it's over. #FigureItOut
Your gift will make room for you. Work your gift and you'll expand your potential. Let's go!
Even though we're tired we must still be thankful for this day. Let's go!
Everybody lift those hands and give God praise this morning. Let's go!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All I do is win win win no matter what got FAVOR on mind I can never get enough & every time I step up in the building everybody hands go up
Tempers are hot in this OKC-DALLAS game tonight. #nba
Every weekday for 25 years we've seen #Oprah on television. We salute her and thank her this day.
I pray peace & favor are your portion today. Let's go!
When you know what the tide is you'll know how to swim.
It's a beautiful morning! Live. Laugh. Love. Today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Mike Epps: Under Rated & Never Faded" is off the chain. LOL #ImCrying
Tell somebody, "I'm God's gift to himself." Let's go!

Monday, May 23, 2011

I believe God!
Grilled Turkey Burgers and Grilled Corn on the Cob. #YesLord
I'm convinced God's love far surpasses the greatest love any man or woman can give to us. #Reminder
Well, bless HIS name.
So Ray Lewis says crime will increase if the NFL doesn't play next season. Ray-Ray?! #ESPN
Don't get #LeftBehind with your finances. You ARE blessed. Let's go!
Don't get #LeftBehind with your praise today. Bless Him at ALL times. Let's go!
Don't get #LeftBehind on your job today. Let's go!
"A good man provides for you emotionally, mentally AND financially." - Steve Harvey this morning.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

With both hands lifted, I say, "Thank ya!" #BEYONCE #BILLBOARDMUSICAWARDS Now back to watching the #Heat beat the #Bulls. #NBA
Ladies & gentlemen #Beyonce is on the #BILLBOARDMUSICAWARDS NOW. #thatisall
Chicago is full of BULL! Go #HEAT!!!!!!
Shout out to the pastor's kids who swim in the baptism pool on Sunday afternoons. #THATaintRight
It feels like a nice time to take a swim. I think I will.
To all the people who REALLY thought the rapture was yesterday. In the words of Fred G. Sanford, "You big dummy!"
Shout out to everybody who kept playing Anita Baker's "Caught Up In The Rapture" yesterday.
Wait, Pajama Jeans? #iCant
Well, I guess I better get up and go to this 4 pm service. Don't tell nobody but I REALLY wanna go get some ice cream.
Please join me in #Sincere Prayer, not meddling, but #Sincere Prayer for the body of Christ at Large. Please RT/Repost!!!!
Tamar, THAT outfit is NOT a "1st Lady from the Pentecostal church" outfit. Who's pentecostalchurch.org have YOU been? #BraxtonFamilyValues
I guess I better take a little nap before this afternoon service. Lord today.
This Frozen Strawberry Pomegranate drink is ministering to me right now. (Virgin of course.......cough)
Even though we got left behind yesterday, we sure had church today. I guess we had an "after rapture" praise. LOL
On my way to the church to continue my praise. Let's go!
Obviously the rapture didn't happen last night, but don't you secretly wish some people would have been "taken away?" HA!!!!!
Good morning. Headed to the treadmill right quick since the rapture didn't happen...or did it? HAAAAA! Going to get fit. Let's go!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just ran into one of the saints from Redemptive Life Fellowship - Belle Glade, FL here in Tampa. Its a small world!
On the treadmill. Let's go!
I'm gonna try and make it throughout the day without making anymore jokes about today's rapture. But I've got 1,239 jokes more in me.
I feel good this morning. Its amazing how much rest you get when you turn off ALL DEVICES and go to sleep. lol

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wow, what a nap. I needed it. The world is ending tomorrow and I need to be rested up. HA!!!! Okay, I'm gonna stop.
Somebody come and get me NOW! I'm on a roll.
Shout out to all the guys that will use Saturday's rapture to get "some." YOU GOING TO HELL!
If Jesus is coming Saturday all choir members are asked to pay the balance on their choir robes or they can't enter in.
All men wearing lacefront wigs will be caught up in the rapture 1st as it will be a long trip.....cough #StopMeNow!
All trumpet players are asked to be on standby Saturday night to play just in case Gabriel is busy.
Dec. McGillicutty will meet all deacons Sunday before church to elect a new pastor if the rapture is Saturday night.
All chicken dinner sales will be Friday instead of Saturday because of Saturday's rapture.
The "heresy hunters" are mad at me for my Saturday Rapture jokes. The heresy hunters can go to...heaven tomorrow with THEM.
All Macho Man Randy Savage fans give me one good "Ooooh yeah!!!!!" #RIPMACHOMAN
BREAKING NEWS: Macho Man Randy Savage died today in a car accident here in Tampa. He was 58. #RIPMachoMan
If Jesus is coming back Saturday you better get married Friday so you have "Mommy/Daddy" time.
If Jesus is coming back Saturday who's gonna direct the choir Sunday. Cause you know.......
If Jesus is coming back tomorrow at 6 pm, I'm gonna welcome Him singing Wacka Flaka "No Hands!"
I also read the preacher says the rapture will happen Saturday at 6 pm. What time zone? Lol
And, I need to get my haircut & manicure today since Jesus is coming back tomorrow.
I think I'm gonna pick up my custom-made suit today. I wanna be clean when Jesus comes tomorrow.
On a lighter note, if Quantrelle were alive now she would have shut Facebook & Twitter DOWN! LOL
Today my friend Quantrelle Lanese Miller would have been 38. Trelle, you are missed everyday. I love you. See you in the by and by.
Its Friday! Oh how I've longed for thee. Let's go!
So I fell asleep early and now I'm wide awake. Lord today.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grilled Chicken, Fresh Corn on the Cob & Baked Potato. Dinner is served. Let's go!!!!
Hit me up on #Skype! PastorCarpeNter
When you tweet w/o your glasses on, you spell your own name wrong. #dummy
Hit me up on #Skype! PastorCarpemter
Is anybody else feeling the presence of God like me at this very moment? Lord today!!
I will bless YOUR name God!
Some people give away too much good and take too much bad in their lives. #balance
Once you realize who you are, it will reduce the amount of scars.
Something of quality is not always reproduced in great quantities. There's only one YOU!
When you know you're worth you won't allow people to change you.
If you'd realize your worth you wouldn't let people treat you cheap.
Our God is an awesome God!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Its getting hot in here! Can you feel the #HEAT in Chicago?!
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because NeNe Leakes is still...nevermind.
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because I'm still working on my biceps & triceps!
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because some men are still wearing lacefronts......COUGH!
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because I haven't met Janet Jackson yet. #PraySaints
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because Halle Berry......nevermind!
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because we still have to #FreeSweetie!!!!
Christ isn't coming back on Saturday because Oprah hasn't married Steadman yet.
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because I'm going to the movies Saturday. #DontWorryAboutWho
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because we got church on Sunday.
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because Lebron James doesn't have a ring yet.
Christ isn't coming back Saturday because they haven't buried Gary Coleman yet.
At the church house!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's gooooooo!!!!!!!! #hyped
Every day is another day to "get it right." Stop beating up yourself for failure. Let's go!
Say this 3x, "What God has for me is for me." Let's go!
What model cell phone do you use? What model do you want next? Lets go!
Welcome Wednesday! Although I'm tired like its Friday. Lol Let's go!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You ever been in shock to the point you don't know what to say? Its not always bad.
I've got some prime real estate for sale on the moon for those who think the world is ending Saturday.
Shout out to all the people that really believe the world is ending this Saturday.
Shout out to all the people eating all the shrimp up at the Chinese Buffet. #greedy________
If you have an ought (problem) with some one go to them instead of talking about them. They may not know.
Some of you can't laugh cause you know somebody who says those very statements. Ill laugh for you!!!!!!
"These my peoples right chere." #flatlined
"They ain't ne'er served on the Ersher Board at church." #out
"Wrench over there and grab that rag and wrench out those antses." #dead
Just heard: "I ain't got na'an dime to give them." #IfellOver
You rise above your enemies so you can lift them up out of their mess & hatred.
When God makes your enemies your footstool it means you rise ABOVE them not STEP on them. #learn
Instead of being AFRAID of your enemies, let God AFFIRM you in the presence of your enemies. #LetGoLetGod
When God blesses you in front of your enemies you can sing, "So glad I'm here in Jesus' name."
"Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies." (difficult people)
UPDATE: If you deal with difficult people correctly, God will bless you right in their presence.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Love was made for me and you. - L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole
Love is all that I can give to you. Love is more than just a game for two. Two in love can make it. Take my heart and please don't break it.
L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one I see, V is very, very extraordinary, E is even more than anyone that you adore can.

Thank you!

Whether you want to realize it or not, you are more blessed than most. Realize it and live like it!
When dealing with difficult people don't get pissed, get a praise.
Ignoring ignorance in difficult people doesn't dismiss insidious behavior. #learn
Dealing with difficult people is an opportunity, not an option.
Difficult people will cause even the most holy preacher to consider cussing. #realtalk
Its not coincidental that difficult people always seem to irritate our pet peeves. #patience
When dealing with difficult people we must consider to whom we're considered difficult. #reality
When praying about a difficult person, God begins to show traits within yourself. #painful
You can't change a difficult person's behavior but you can change YOU.
In regularly dealing with difficult people you must take the focus off them and work on yourself.
TEACHABLE MOMENT: How do you deal with difficult people on a daily basis?
Thank you Lord for another week. I'm anticipating blessings for everyone connected to me this week. Shower down Lord. Let's go!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

WHAT SAT YOU? Do you eat or throwaway the ends on a loaf of bread?
"Its not about doing things you love to do but it is about doing things with the person you love."- The Movie "Breakup"
Lord I thank you for my bed which is about to receive me into its presence. #TeamSleep
The Lord met us at His house yet again. 2 joined the church. 6 candidates for baptism.
Shout out to all the people watching "Meet the Browns" on TBS this morning before church.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

People don't care WHO you are until they know who you REALLY are. #authenticity
WHAT SAY YOU? Should Bishop Eddie Long offer a public apology to avoid a public trial or should he fight in court?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm a living witness (epistle), if God says it, just wait on it. Let's go!
God is great and greatly to be praised. Don't forget it today. Let's go!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So I decided to teach children's bible study tonight and the saints surprised me for my birthday. #humbled
So I decided to.
At the church house about to teach bible study. STILL hype about my 40th birthday. Let's go!
Shout out to all the preachers turning 40 today!!!! Haaaaaa!
There is nothing better than being right smack dab in the center of God's will. #winningAT40
40 IS the new 25. I feel good!!!!! Let's go!!!!!
Good Lordy, I'm finally 40. Whoo hoo! Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeee!!!! Let's go!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I survived the supermarket!!!!! YAY!!!!!
I'm about to run out to the supermarket. Those who know the words of prayer, PLEASE pray for me. #people
I can't live, laugh & love without Christ. Let's go!
Oh Lordy, one more day until I'm 40. Let's go!
Just got a 'Happy Birthday' phone call from a long-time friend. They were one day early! HA!!! Better early than never. lol
Good morning, Lord. How EXCELLENT is Thy name in all the earth. Let's go!

Monday, May 9, 2011

You must be careful not to catch STD's in the church. #SpirituallyTransmittedDiseases
What an incredibly busy day. And it hasn't stopped yet. If you're waiting a call back, I'm coming.
Be careful who you allow to impart into your life. It could be detrimental. #warning
Father, I pray for Whitney & Bobbie Kristina's healing NOW in Jesus' name. *Please repost*
Pray for Whitney Houston as reports say she has re-entered rehab.
This is YOUR day! Let's go!
That was the worst kept secret in TV. Meredith Viera is leaving The Today Show in June.
Its my birthday week. Party everyday. Let's go!!!!!!!!
Well, I guess I say good night.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bishops Ulmer, Jones & Blake called and will not be attending the Lakers' funeral. #RIPLakers
I just saw a purple & gold hearse going down Crenshaw Blvd. #RIPLakers
If you're trying to call, I can't answer. My hands are full digging the grave for the Lakers! #RIPLakers
Call Bishop Jakes. Elders put on your collars. Missionaries get ready. There's a fune...in Dallas today. #RIPLakers
I just saw several fat ladies at the Lakers - Mavs game. They're all about to siiiiiiiiiiing!!!! #RIPLakers
We honor and bless ALL Mothers, past and present, today. Thank you.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shout out to the people who will send their mother a Myspace message on Mother's Day! #WhoDOESthat
Shout out to all the families that will have drama on Mother's Day instead of peace. I'm praying for you NOW!
It's HOT outside.........
At the church for the Mother's Day Luncheon powered by The Mothers' Board. Let's go!
I was asleep but, did the LAKERS lose last night? If they did, HAAAAAAAA!!!!! Where are all the FAKER LAKER fans NOW?!?!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Why is this guy riding his bike on I-75? Is that legal? #whoDOESthat
Jesus take the wheel and give me a bicycle. Gas is STILL too high.
Cleaned my wallet & found stuff from 1943. Lol What's in YOUR life that's not needed? #junk
PSA: When sitting in a restaurant, PLEASE be mindful of the volume of your voice. #andWEthankYOU
This is why ya'll can't let me out around town. I see & hear EVERYTHING! #LordToday
OMG this lady just said, "Sometimes I feel like a nut sometimes I don't." (She's bisexual) #DEAD
Shout out to all the people going to church twice in less than a month. (Easter & Mothers Day)
Everything in the world we want to do or get done, we must do with or through people.- Earl Nightingale
If you want to learn more of the word of God invest in yourself.
Just heard tv preacher say, "If you don't know what I'm talking about, put it on a shelf & don't worry about it." Huh?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In your hands are healing. Use THEM! Let's go!
When you work what's in your hands, God's plan for your life will begin to work. Let's go!
What's in your hands will produce multiplied blessings for others.
Your resources are not limited to what's in your bank account. Look in your hands.
When you're blessed you're wealthy. Let's go!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eddie Murphy is SO funny in "The Distinguished Gentleman.'
I'm in the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right people. Wanna join me? #WINNING
Exempt from Jury Duty. Now I can go on with the rest of my day. Let's go!
"Justice has been done."- President Barack Obama May 1, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
Is John King suffering from jet lag? He's horrible tonight! #cnn
BREAKING NEWS: Osama bin Laden is dead. US has body in custody. #winning
Blue Bell Krazy Kookie Dough Ice Cream. #shondo (cheat day)
After spending all with the Lord, and the saints, I'm home watching "2012" on DVD.
Sermon shout-out. Post today's sermon title & scripture. Goooo!
On my way to the church house...LATE. Praise Him. Let's go!
Wow, Creflo Dollar is giving some GREAT teaching, "Empowered by the Blood of Jesus." Check your listings.