Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mary Mary is on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on NBC. Check your local listings. @therealmarymary
Wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful. Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Tomorrow, I begin anew with healthier lifestyle choices being supported by @RickWarren Daniel Plan & you. Let's go!
#NP - "Something About That Name Pt. 2" - Kirk Franklin Hello Fear
#NP - "The Altar" - Kirk Franklin Lord today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After severe storms today, the weekend is forecast to be sunny. After you get through your storm, the SON will shine again.
Those whose presence I'm in I have a relationship with. How much time is being spent in God's presence for a relationship with Him?
WHAT SAY YOU? Matthew 18:11 says, "For the Son of man has come to save that which was lost." What is "that?" Let's go!
Man I just got a revelation from the Spirit in the midst of this thunderstorm. Lord today.
Tornado WARNING remains in effect til 9:30 for NE Hillsborough, NW Polk, SE Pasco. Tornado spotted near Kathleen, 9 miles SE of Zephyrhills
Hunker down folks in northern #Tampa, Hillsborough Cnty, Pasco Cnty, northern Polk Cnty.#Tornado Warning in effect. Twisters spotted.
Small, thoughtful gifts are always a good idea. #loverules
Be excellent in their presence. #loverules
Men, don't talk about women from your past. #loverules

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Saints.......................................
On my way to the house of the Lord. Let's go!
Something is about to go down. Get ready. Let's go!
Is it me (and it may be) or does anyone feel something eerily strange in the atmosphere spiritually like something's about to happen?
is singing, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know. Fills my every longing. Keeps me singing as I go."
Wait, I thought Kerney Thomas was on BET in the morning? His screaming had awaken me many a morning. Lol
Watching "Pray The Gay Away" on OWN with Lisa Ling & Gayle King. Interesting perspective.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Did you get played by "The Game" on BET tonight? Sound off!!!! #thegame
Hey Chris Brown, once you go black you can't go back. HA~! #dwts
Wendy...really ma'am?! #dwts
Wendy or Sugar Ray? #dwts
Ladies & gentlemen, it's time to see who is going home on "Dancing With The Stars." Who will it be? #dwts
Dinner is served. Then,Dancing With The Stars, The Game, and Lottery Ticket. (The movie)
I'm hungry. What's for dinner?
Dr. Phil is discussing the "sexting" trend on #OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) right now. If you have teens you NEED TO watch this.
Just talked to a friend that has led 6 people to Christ on their job. What are YOUR stats? Let's go!
Who's on Skype? Let's chat. Request 'pastorcarpenter'
If you have goals but DON'T believe, don't waste your time. If you have goals and DO believe, its time to get busy! Let's go!
Lord Jesus, why did Luther Vandross's "Here and Now" come on in Arby's now? I need to make an altar right here. Lol
Why does there have to be 15 people in line the one time a year I come to Arbys?
Ladies, what is it with going around town with shower caps on? Please explain.
Your feelings may fool you and create a fake reality. Make decisions based on facts not fakes. Let's go!
Don't make decisions based on feelings. Make them on the fact that you CAN win! Let's go!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dinner for Schmuck's has me in tears I'm laughing so much.
Dinner for Schmucks is FUNNY!
#NW - "Dinner for Schmucks."
Harpo who dis here woman? WENDY WILLIAMS! #dwts
Wendy didn't do much but she didn't do as bad as last week. She'll stay through this week. #dwts
ROMEO! #dwts
Kirstie Alley #WINNING #dwts @kirstiealley
You've been told that you WEREN'T for so long, now that you ARE you find it hard to accept. You ARE. I AM! Let's go!
Jericho. Kirstie. Romeo. #dwts
It's time for Dancing With The Stars. Who's going home? #dwts
Oh bless me now my Savior. I come to Thee.
My day has been nonstop since 7:00 AM. I'm just coming up for air. No matter how your day started you can determine how it ends.
I guess I'll lay down for a few minutes before I get up for 5:30 prayer. Good night/morning.
Small, thoughtful gifts are always a good idea. It’s not about the gift; it’s about the fact that you were thinking about her. #loverules
Men, no two women are the same. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you have a type. #loverules
If a man doesn't seriously see you in his future you're wasting your time. #loverules
If he doesn't go to church and/or believe in the miracles of God he's not capable of leading you or your family. #loverules
If he wants to keep you a secret because he "doesn't like people in his business" then you ain't the only one. #loverules
For a relationship to be successful, both partners need to feel pleased and fulfilled. #loverules
The way to a man’s heart is through his heart. Men want a woman who is going to be a great friend and companion. #loverules
Love is a big part of a lasting relationship, but shared values and commitment are still required. #loverules
Emotional intimacy is the heart of a good marriage, so it’s important to talk about what closeness means to each of you. #loverules
You’ll quickly know if you’re attracted to each other, but not if you’re compatible or fit to stick together through tough times. #loverules
You shouldn’t go to bed angry, but that doesn’t mean you have to solve every problem before you nod off. #loverules
You need a steady diet of intimacy and the other person’s presence to remember why you’re in the relationship. #loverules
Relationships need connection, and it’s challenging to stay connected when you aren’t spending time together. #loverules
A little bit of absence can help you appreciate your partner. Too much is dangerous. #loverules
If he loves you he'll learn you. #loverules
You shouldn’t play hard to get; you should be hard to get, because your life is so busy and fulfilling. #loverules
Playing hard to get starts the relationship off on a deceptive foot. #loverules
Say it as often as possible. There’s no reason to be emotionally stingy with the person you love. #LOVERULES
Let go and enjoy 'cause... it's not worth it if you don't give it all. (from @dioh10) #LoveRules
I think its time for some more LOVE RULES. Ready? I hope so. #loverules

Sunday, March 27, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? When someone asks you to pray for them and you tell them you will, do you? Or do you intend to but usually don't?
OMG! This deacon just asked me to, "tweak that on my BlackBird." #imdead
One word: Itis
I forgot Golden Corral is Saintsville. Oh Lord. Lol
Just taught my son a life lesson: People will only disrespect you as much as you allow them to.
is singing, "Be healed. Be healed. In the presence of the Lord, be healed." If you need healing, get in His presence. Let's go!
Great time in the presence of the Lord. Next service in less than 2 hours. Let's go!
There's a praise on the inside that I can't keep to myself. God is awesome! Let's go!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nyquil. Soup. Tea. Juice. Bed. Sleep. Winning.
I'm awake and NOW I'm congested with a sore throat. Calling Dr. Jesus. Calling Dr. Jesus."If you call on Jesus..." Ha! Lol
If I don't take this nap before the movie, I'll be asleep during the movie. Good night! #sleeping
What movies are out? I'm thinking about going for the 1st time in Lord knows how long. lol #movies
At the barbershop. I LOVE not having to wait. I don't have hear all the reckless banter.
On the way to the church house. Let's go!
If you're blessed and you know it, lift your hands and bless Him. Let's go!
Just when you think there is no hope, God SUDDENLY sends a blessing your way.

Friday, March 25, 2011

RIP BlackBerry 2001-2011 Take your rest. I love you but I need the best. HTC Droid Incredible. #winning
Take me to the water.
Was it something I said? I just call it like I see it and I've been seeing a lot of IT lately. #BOOM
Ladies, "I Give Myself Away" is a song unto the Lord, not to that man you're trying to seduce. #BOOM!
Today is the BEST day because this is THE day the Lord has made! I'm already hyped & rejoicing. Let's go!
Well, the virtue is gone. Good night. Good morning. Meeting in Orlando later this morning. Let's go! (to sleep)
#NP - "Hello Fear" by @KirkFranklin. We have another winner!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

@CharlieSheen has Adonis DNA. You have the DNA of God because you were created in His image. Looks to me like you're #WINNING!
@CharlieSheen says he has Tiger Blood. With Christ you have the Blood of Jesus. #winning
If @CharlieSheen perceives HE's winning as a "warlock" with Adonis DNA & tiger blood, what about YOU? Let's go! #WINNING
You don't NEED the validation of many when you have the validation of one.
Relax. God is in control. Let's go!
The realization of greatness begins when you get a revelation of who you were created to be. Let's go!
I LOVE Jill Scott's short cut. And her new look. And...okay that's enough. #blackgirlsrock #bet
Everybody that has an anointing stretch your hands towards BROWNSTONE singing on #Monique right now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Many people go to church, but aren't going to God. - RLCII LIVE on Pastor's Corner in WKFA 89.3.
Doing interview on "The Pastor's Corner" on WKFA 89.3 FM Brooksville, FL. Discussing, "Matters of the Heart, Issues of the Flesh." Let's go!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The 3 C's of Life-Choices, Chances & Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. (Thanks Kim)
WHAT SAY YOU? Tom Cruise's daughter is 4 and still using a pacifier. How old is too old for a child to use a pacifier? Let's talk.
Come on and testify, "And HE did it SUDDENLY!" (Thanks @ItsKevinBond for one of my favorite songs!)
God is amazing. One minute you don't know what to do and in the next moment, SUDDENLY you have optimal options. #WINNING
God is awesome. While leaving my very productive meeting I got a favorable call from another recent meeting. #WINNING
About to walk in VERY IMPORTANT meeting. Thanking God for favor in advance. Let's go!!!
Sang Jennifer!!! #theview
Jennifer Hudson's little boy is SO cute on THE VIEW right now talking/singing in the microphone during her interview. LOL
Breaking News: Sources say, Chris Brown is BANNED from GMA after going crazy behind the scenes after his interview today.
Don't let your breakdown cause you to breakup. Get yourself together. Let's go!
If you allow people to dictate your happiness, they'll also determine your sadness.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I KNOW the world is coming to an end when Karl Rove agrees w/ President Obama's Libyan attack. @KarlRove
Ralph is the Karate Kid? Wow! Karina.....Double Wow. #shondo #goestopray #dwts
"On the inside she's a little girl waiting to grow up."- Louis about Kendra. Compliment? #dwts
Kendra & Louis. BREAK TIME. #dwts
Sugar Ray is a little stiff. He's gonna do alright with the fans. #dwts (This coming from a man who can't dance AT ALL!) Lol
Romeo said Hammer Time! Ha ha!!!! So he has to find his "feminine side?".............cough.....#dwts
My girl @KirstieAlley is gonna be the dark horse and surprise EVERYBODY. Watch! #dwts
14 out 30 Wendy? How YOU doing? Ha ha ha! #dwts
Did Wendy Williams just dry her tears with her lace-front wig? #dead!!!!
Dancing with the Stars is ON! #dwts
Live in expectation. Let's go! (Thanks Romeo)
I'm amazed at the numerous responses I've received since posting my VLOG-Stop The Child Abuse. Child Abuse HAS TO stop!
WHAT SAY YOU? Do you think there is MORE to the Libyan Attack then what is being communicated? Let's talk. #libya
What a beautiful day. Its Twitter's 5th "birthday." Oh how we love you @Twitter. Thank you. Let's go!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Watching the all-new, "Charlie Sheen: On the Brink" on #TLC. It replays at 12am EST tonight. #winning #tigerblood
Every time I think I seen/heard it all with the saints, something else blows my mind. UGH!
On way to 3rd service for the day. Come on Jesus! Ha!!!!!! Lol
He's sweet I know. Storm clouds may rise. Strong winds may blow. Ill tell the world wherever I go. I found a Savior. He's sweet I know.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all. Tell somebody, "But The Lord..."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A friend just missed a step & fell. A righteous man falls 7 times but rises again. GET UP NOW!
Wow. There isn't a cloud in the sky. It reminds me that storms don't last always.
On the road again to a full day of ministry. 10am, 5pm and 7pm. Still humbled God uses me. Let's go!
I searched all over, couldn't find nobody. I looked high & low still couldn't find nobody. Nobody greater than you.

Friday, March 18, 2011

All of the pain that I have gone thru it gave power & a testimony. I stand here today with 1 thing to say, Lord I thank you.
Here I am. I'm still standing. Here I am after all I've been thru. I survived every toil, every snare. I'm alive. I'm alive.
I'm making a Wal-Mart run. Pray mt strength.
If a brother is overtaken in a fault, those who are spiritual should restore him, remembering yourself. #think
Before communicating, we must ask: Will God be glorified? And, will those who hear me be edified?
Before communicating, we must vigorously assess the motives of our missives.
You should be in relationship with someone who values YOUR values. #twitterafterdark
Don't align yourself with someone that won't celebrate your success. You're sleeping with the enemy. #twitterafterdark
If you have a significant other that doesn't WILLINGLY sow into you...HOUSTON, we have a problem. #twitterafterdark
Its the outer beauty that attracts you, but its the inner beauty that keeps them beautiful. #twitterafterdark

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Any man that beats a woman and abuses children in ANY way is a WIMP!
Did you know April is Child Abuse Prevention Month? What are YOU gonna do to prevent child abuse? Let's go!
Here's my take: (and some may not agree) If MEN are what you're into, that's between you & God, but LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE! #childabuse
And to the preacher that is "soliciting" young men on Facebook: Sir, the young men have posted your messages online. SMH
If you know of child abuse and don't say or do anything, you're not an ADVOCATE. You're an ACCOMPLICE!
Is it going to take YOUR child being sexually abused before you take a stand against sexual abuse in the church?
We should always condemn the crime while waiting for a conviction of the alleged criminal.
Negative exposure came to Swaggart for less than what Bakker had done. Coincidence? No.
Swaggart was correct in his assessment of Bakker's actions. However, the platform he used to condemn him was wrong.
REPOST: As servants of God, when a colleague is overtaken in a fault we must remember Swaggart & Bakker.
Whether the accusations are true or false, we have a responsibility to vigorously fight child abuse. PERIOD.
Happy St. Patrick's Day folks! SN: I don't have on green. If you pinch me I'm gonna lay hands on you. Lol
Swaggart was correct in his assessment of Bakker's actions. However, the platform he used to condemn him was wrong.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

With Christ you're always #WINNING! Let's go!
When I pray for others' needs, my own needs seem to diminish.
Today, let's pray for Japan, pray for our enemies, and pray for those who need a healing. Let's go!
After the drama I saw today, these Oreos are ministering to me in this moment. #dontjudgeme
Great day. Great meetings. Alot of drama, but overall I'm a happy camper. God rocks!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? Is it cool for a guy to shop at Bath & Body Works for himself? Let's talk. GO!!!!!!
‎"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own." ~Benjamin Disraeli
Let's preach THAT preachers! Thanks @TheeRachelB (Rachel James) for your posts.
I'm about to post some disturbing yet factual statistics concerning children and sexual abuse. Its time to cry aloud and spare not.
You know, every time I think I've seen & heard it all in church, I get another view. Where's the church without spot or wrinkle?
Let's make today another incredibly BLESSED day by praying for, sowing into & blessing OTHERS. Let's go!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Help "The Event" starring Blair Underwood stay on NBC next season. Go here==>
What an incredibly gorgeous day it is. After a busy weekend, I'm glad I'm resting enjoying God's creation. Let's go!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good morning Saints & aints. Now that I've met today, I'll totally maximize today. Ready? Let's go!
What an incredible evening/night I had. Sunday is gonna be even better. Let's go!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Chipotle! Want some?
Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 for Japanese relief help. It bills to your cell phone worry-free. Let's go!
Whatever you're doing, please take a moment and pray for those affected by the earthquake/tsunami.
Let's pray for our friends in Japan as they were hit by a 8.9 magnitude earthquake earlier today. Tsunami alert!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pizza Hut Large Super Supreme. Pepsi. Blue Bell Banana Split Ice Cream. Girl Scout Shortbread Cookies. #thatisall
Don't allow the adverse conditions affect your altitude today. Soar like an eagle. Let's go!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God's not pleased with these gas prices and I'm not pleased either. Its bad when you're glad for gas that's $3.43. Smh
Not tonight allergies. I've got church tonight. Let's go!
HEARD TODAY: Yo momma so dumb, she sold her car for gas money! ROFLMBO!!!
That was a picture-perfect landing by the Space Shuttle Discovery at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. #nasa
I just heard the infamous "sonic boom" of the Space Shuttle Discovery entering earth's atmosphere for the final time. #nasa
Charlie Sheen now says he's the "Malibu Messiah," a "Warlock," and is "STILL winning!" Smh
Today is Ash Wednesday. It's a day of repentance that marks the beginning of Lent.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ladies, what is the difference, if any, between SWAGGER & CHARISMA? Talk to me. Let's go!
You what I can't stand? An incredibly beautiful woman with a nasty attitude & ugly disposition. #thatisall
Former President George W. Bush is on #Oprah (again) today.
My tailor tells me he has a suit for me but he almost sold it. Um, sir if its tailored for me...@ALConley I need you!
WHAT SAY YOU? Denny's? Waffle House? IHOP? Or Cracker Barrel? Let me know. Highest vote wins. Let's go!
Lawd Jeefus, For Colored Gals done made me had a nightmare. Smh Let me go back to sleep NOW! Lol
Finished watching, "For Colored Girls..." It was a superb movie. The actresses were excellent. (Especially Janet)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Watching "For Colored Girls..." for the 1st time. Pray my strength.
BasketBall Wives - 1st time watching. I'm wondering if I'm gonna like this show or not. So far I'm in shock
As a friend I'm gonna tell you when you're wrong & STILL love you & not enable you. Where are his friends? #charliesheen
What kind of people are around people that are self-destructing? How can you consciously enable this behavior?
Charlie Sheen has been fired from "Two and a Half Men" by CBS. Duh, he's still winning. Lol #charliesheen
Someone asked how I was doing. I said blessed & highly flavored. They said how? I said we are the salt of the earth. #shondo
Its a brisk, cool day in Mickey Mouse town. I wasn't prepared for this. Indoor activities today. Church tonight.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cat fight!!!! Richard Hatch vs David Cassidy. Ha ha ha! #CelebrityApprentice
Gary Busey doesn't know he's in this world among us. #CelebrityApprentice
"That's where your lack of intelligence shines." - Richard Hatch #CelebrityApprentice
Wait. Hold up. LaToya Jackson - Entertainment Entrepreneur? Wwwwwhat has SHE done? #CelebrityApprentice
Poor Dionne Warlock, I mean Warrick. She needs to call the Psychic Hotline!!! #CelebApprentice
Gary is the Pepperoni Prophet. Ha! Ha! #CelebApprentice
Celebrity Apprentice. Let's go! #NBC #celebrityapprentice
Why is this cashier at the chinese restaurant eyeing my $5 bill like its a counterfeit $100? Lol
My soul loves Jesus. My soul loves Jesus. My soul loves Jesus. Bless His name.
Let me go old school. He's a wonder in my soul. He's a wonder in my soul. He's a wonder in my soul. Bless His name!
Every time I began to blackout the enemy would say, "Just give up." I kept saying, "Its not my time yet!"
Those of you that are ill, don't you give up. You shall LIVE and not die! (Jesus! My savior. I'm about to explode.)
Just had to pull off I-75 to give God praise. To hear the Dr. say, "Rev. its a miracle you're alive!" messed me up!
Suggestion: Order the Triple Chocolate Strata dessert from #OliveGarden. It will bless you.
I'm SO tempted to get dessert at Olive Garden right now. Any suggestions?
If anyone tells you the world is gonna end May 21, 2011, run as fast as you can. They are a lying wonder.
It's another day the Lord has allowed you to experience. Experience the experience of the experience. Let's go!

Friday, March 4, 2011

They should have had Prince do an "A" selection at the end instead of......#naacpimageawards
Halle Berry!!!!
I'm gonna give Cicely Tyson a pass. #naacpimageawards
Colin Powell shut it down. Show over. Good night everybody!!!! #naacpimageawards
Colin Powell!!! #naacpimageawards
Mary Mary!!! Let's go!!!! @TheRealMaryMary #naacpimageawards
Wait, I just got a phone call from Charlie Sheen. He told me to tell the saints, "He's still winning!"
The 42nd Annual NAACP Image Awards are on FOX now. Are YOU watching?
QUESTION: How much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood? ANSWER: _________
So I'm in the Dr's waiting room and after the young mother stops nursing, she forgets (I assume) to put "it" back.
By the time I get to the Dr for my follow up appointment this afternoon I'm gonna be quickening. Who know about THAT? Lol
TRUE STORY: At age 12 the Dr gave me anesthesia for my injured leg. The whole time I sang "Oh I Want To See Him." Lol
Oh precious fountain that saves from son. I am so glad I have entered in. There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean.
I am so wondrously saved from sin. Jesus so sweetly abides within. There at the cross where he took me in. Glory to His name.
Down at the cross where my Savior died. Down where for cleansing from sin I cried. There to my heart was the blood applied.
It probably was ignorant in one sense to make it to church twice this week, but I just believed God.
PRAISE REPORT: The Dr said, "Rev how were you able to go to church in the condition you're in?" I replied, "My FAITH!"
PRAISE REPORT: The Dr noticed as soon as the music began playing my body relaxed, making the procedure easier to perform.
PRAISE REPORT: As the procedure began, the 1st song that played on my Pandora App was God Still Heals by DeWayne Woods.
PRAISE REPORT: The Dr said it was a miracle the toxins didn't get into my bloodstream and poison me.
PRAISE REPORT: I had an emergency procedure done removing 60cc's of toxins from my body because of the spider bite.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

is singing, "For your goodness, and you mercy towards us, we offer praise."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I haven't been to Taco Bell in so long. I'm not gonna go tonight though. When was the last time you went?
I made it to church w/o incident. I'm on my way home now w/ Planet Smoothie. I'm coming out of this on top!
I'm on my way to the church house. Shhh, they don't know yet. Let's go!
I enjoyed my 1st walk since my "experience" this weekend. God IS a healer. Now maybe I can go to bible study tonight.
Some encourage themselves with a pity party. However, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. Let's go!
Showing vulnerability isn't showing weakness but rather it demonstrates a REAL-TIME model of your faith walk to others.
Don't be afraid to share your scars. Scars show the process of healing has been perfected in you.
Sometimes the healing process hurts more than initial affliction. Push through the pain for total healing.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"God made the birds & the bees, the flowers & the trees."- Uncle Joe
I'm watching, Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail" via Netflix online.
Good evening Saints & aints. How are YOU #ON tonight? I'm doing right nice. (As they say in the country. Lol)
WHAT SAY YOU? When was the last time you heard a sermon about Hell? Let's talk.
Oprah. Willow. Willow. #Oprah.
Ladies & gentlemen, the Spiderman Preacher has left the building. #MICDOWN
If anybody asks you where I am going, tell them I'm going up yonder! #spidermanpreacher I'm going back to sleep. Good night everybody!
If every time a new member joins the church I shower them with Silly String, you all will know why. #spidermanpreacher
If every time you get in trouble I suddenly come to your rescue, you all will know why. #spidermanpreacher is being nosey! lol
My next sermon will be entitled, "I'm Wrapped up, Tied Up, & Tangled Up In Jesus." #spidermanpreacher (Thanks, @DaProphetJoshua )
If every Sunday I sing, "We're Going Up To The High Places" you all will know why now. #spidermanpreacher
If I end every message singing, "I Believe I Can Fly" you all will know why now. #spidermanpreacher (Thanks Leoma)
If my cassock (robe) transforms into a tight fitting garment when its time to preach then...well, nevermind. #spidermanpreacher
If I come in the sanctuary to preach swinging from the chandelier, you all will know why now. #spidermanpreacher
If I transform into Spiderman in the midst of preaching, you all will know why now. LOLOLOLOL!
Thanks for your prayers. I'm still in a lot of pain from the spider bite but I'm doing a lot better. Praise God!