Monday, February 28, 2011

Thank God for the prayers of the saints. Let's go!
Three days total bed rest. THIS is gonna be fun. Can't wait to get to church Wednesday. (There I go again.) Lol
You KNOW I must have been near death to go Friday to Monday without Tweeting & Facebooking LIVE from the hospital. Lol
I've never had a problem with spiders. Now, I don't wanna see a spider, spider web or Spiderman EVER. #thatisall
I knew this sickness was not unto death. That's why I kept saying, "Its not my time" and kept fighting.
DR: There isn't an anti-venom for this bite. ME: Yes there is. The blood of Jesus. DR: Blank stare lol
Look up "Brown Recluse Spider." That's what bit me. Smh.
One of the my many ironies is, as much as I love to eat, when I don't feel well, I don't anything. (Not good)
Now I know I looked bad yesterday when members who didn't know I was ill said, "Rev you look sick." Gee, thank you! Lol
I'm still in pain but I'm gonna be okay. I didn't even know I was bitten until a growth the size of my fist appeared.
I asked them to let me go home. Do you know I went to church Sunday looking like death? #EPICFAIL They sent me home. Lol
For 7 hours Drs worked on stabilizing my body from reacting to the venom. I kept whispering "Its not my time to go."
Last week I was bitten by a poisonous spider & almost died Saturday. I'm still recuperating but I'm alive! Praise God!

Friday, February 25, 2011

If you want Jesus to come back, GO WITNESS! - @RickWarren @RAD11
Inconsistent GIVING produces Inconsistent LIVING! - @RickWarren #RAD11
Rationalizing is telling ourselves RATIONAL LIES! - @RickWarren #Rad11
Money is a spiritual test. - @RickWarren #Rad11
Whatever you need more of give it away. - @RickWarren #Rad11
If I'm faithful with little God can trust me with more. - @RickWarren #Rad11
I use my money to save time and to save lives. - @RickWarren #Rad11
Use temporary resources for permanent good. - @RickWarren #Rad11
Money is a tool to be used. You use money and you love people. - @RickWarren #Rad11
To manage my money I have to act quickly. - @RickWarren #RAD11
Planning your spending is called a budget. - @RickWarren #RAD11
To manage my money I must 1st make a plan. - @RickWarren #RAD11
To manage my money I must 1st look ahead.- @RickWarren #RAD11
One day I'll give an account to God how I managed my money. - @RickWarren #RAD11
What I think I own is really on loan. - @RickWarren #RAD11
Even a broken clock is right twice a day! - @RickWarren #RAD11
You can still learn from people that you don't agree with everything they say. - @RickWarren #RAD11
Never confuse your net worth with self worth. - @RickWarren #RAD11
Never confuse your valuables with your values. - @RickWarren #RAD11
God shall supply all your needs not all your greed. - @RickWarren #RAD11
What did you do with what you were given?- @RickWarren #Rad11
You can do a lot for the kingdom of God if you take the focus off your brand. - Dave Gibbons #RAD11
I believe God. Let's go!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Packer is back. OMG!! #theoffice #nbc
The Office is on #NBC now! Let's go! #theoffice
Libyan Dictator Gadhafi blames Osama bin Laden for the revolt saying he is putting pills in the coffee. True story. Lol
The Space Shuttle Discovery is about to launch for the final time in less than 5 min. Let's go! #nasa
Whatever you resist, persists. @RickWarren #RAD11
This New England Clam Chowder is THE best. Now back to "The Stewardship of Health" by @RickWarren. #RAD11
You need to join in NOW - The Stewardship of Health w/ @RickWarren at Radicalis 2001 #RAD11
Today is National Tortilla Chip Day. Celebrate. Let's go!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Enjoy 3 min video of RADICALIS DAY1 Watch DAY 3 LIVE FREE! Use the code RADRICK11
Facebook asks me what I'm thinking. Twitter asks me what I'm doing. Foursquare asks me where I am. Conclusion: The internet is my mate. LOL
CHURCH LEADERS, YOU MUST log in to RADICALIS by @RickWarren this week. It will have a life-long impact. Real talk. #RAD11
WHAT SAY YOU? Pres Obama asked the Justice Dept to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act signed by Pres Clinton.
WHAT SAY YOU? Analysts speculate gas could be $5/ gallon by Memorial Day.
The Secret to Success - Out LOVE, Out LAST & Out GROW your CRITICS! @RickWarren #Rad11
Being faithful means taking risks! - The Parable of the Talents @RickWarren #Rad11
There is no faith unless there's a struggle. - Rick Warren #Radicalis2011
Whether good or bad, people are talking about your LIFE, so you might as well LIVE WELL.
REAL life is not a popularity contest. Everyone's not gonna like you. Get over it & LIVE. Let's go!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Police Officer (3rd) shot/killed in line of duty in St. Petersburg, FL in less than 30 days. Suspect on loose.
Words With Friends - I consider myself a "wordsmith" but I declare some people make up words. Let's go! 'RobCarpenter2'
Its not whether God promised, but rather are you pressing towards God's promise.
Look at your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, God keeps His promises. Why don't YOU?" Let's go!
Raise your hand if you're SURE!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hey everybody, UberTwitter is back up as #UberSocial. God DOES answer prayer. Download it NOW! Let's go!
What a night! NBA, RHOA, & Kearney Thomas at WestA and the @FREESWEETIE campaign was mentioned on Bravo tonight.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

#F.R.E.E.S.W.E.E.T.I.E!!! #RHOA
UberTwitter is back up as #UberSocial. God DOES answer prayer. Download it NOW! Let's go!
Its exhilarating when you somewhere unfamiliar and God confirms what He said. #awesomeGod
Its church time again in Lutz, FL Let's go!!!!!
I'm convinced some people have ISHmael for brains instead of Isaac. #micdown
When you possess expectation (FAITH) God's SUDDENLIES are not a surprise. Wait on them. Let's go!
Once again today, God dropped another SUDDENLY blessing on me.
A living organism must move or grow. Which are YOU doing? Let's go!
Let's go!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

So she surrounds herself in the white light? Interesting. Insert comments here._______
Its in your loneliest hour that you can feel God's love the most.
Its in the unfamiliar place where you can become more familiar with God.
Often times its in the uncomfortable place where God brings comfort.
Have you ever found yourself in a place where you didn't want to be but knew God placed you there? Stay right there.
Did they #FREESWEETIE yet? I just saw someone that looked like her run across I-4 in Polk County a few minutes ago.
Whoever I was just talking to on the phone, (not sure) I apologize for falling asleep. Call back if reading this. SMH
Jacksonville, FL I'm headed YOUR way tonight. Are you ready? Let's go!
Ft Pierce, FL thanks for an awesome time last night. Jacksonville, FL I'm headed your way. Let's go!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

So does the Lay's potato chip slogan "No one can eat just one" mean one chip or one bag? Please advise.
What a service. The power of God fell. I couldn't even finish my message. God was in Ft. Pierce, FL tonight. Thank God.
Good God Almighty I'm ready to preach this word, "I'm A Dead Man Walking." You praying for me? Let's go!
You've still got time to meet me in Ft. Pierce tonight at Greater Faith Temple on N. 13th St. Its going down. Let's go!
If you believe slavery is over in 2011 support the movement. #FREESWEETIE from RHOA! (@RickeySmiley) Let's go!!!
Please FREE SWEETIE from RHOA during Black History Month! Let's go!!!! (Thanks @RickeySmiley)
Guess what? "I'm A Dead Man Walking." To find out, join me in Ft Pierce, FL tonight. Let's go!
I'm working online while traveling using my Verizon MiFi 2200 Mobile Broadband. I LOVE technology. Let's go!
Don't you hate when people give 1,001 excuses? Just be straight and say you don't want to. Am I right about it?
Meet me in Ft. Pierce tonight at Greater Faith Temple on N. 13th St. I've got a word from the Lord to share. Let's go!
Meet me at the Historic Greater Faith Temple 1902 N. 13th Street in Fort Pierce, FL TONIGHT. Its going down! Let's go!
I'm A Dead Man Walking! Let's go!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Cleveland Cavs beat the LA Lakers? One MORE reason for me NOT to like the Lakers. #FAIL
Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, Stuart, & Vero Beach, I'll be in YOUR area tomorrow night preaching. Message me 4 details. Let's go!
At the church house. Let's go!
Okay, I was in a meeting and missed #Oprah and Iyanla today. What happened? Go!
When you make HIS ways, YOUR ways, He will bless you ALWAYS. Let's go!
To us it's a SUDDENLY, but to God it's His WAY. (His ways are not our ways...)
Forgive me. I preach God will bless you SUDDENLY then when it happens, I'm surprised. I gotta the change old mindset.
Its all good everyone. I just got an unexpected SUDDENLY blessing in the mail. Wow!!!!
OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! Wow!!!! I'm on the floor ya'll!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Janet Jackson is on #CNN now. #thankyouJesus
Words With Friends is on Android too now. Who wants to get beat? 'RobCarpenter2' Let's go!
Taking a dinner break. Enjoying my pizza and watching Beverly Hills Cop II. Eddie was a fool in this movie. Lol
Ok @PizzaHut you are late with my pizza. Its been an hour and you told me 30-40 minutes. #notcool #hungrytweet
WHAT SAY YOU? Do you feel OJ Simpson being beat unconscious in prison by skinheads is a "reaping what he sowed" event?
Lord Jesus, OJ Simpson got violently assaulted by skinheads in prison. I know what some of ya'll are thinking right now. SMH
WHAT SAY YOU? Ted Haggard says the secular world is better at restoration than the church. (i.e.- Martha, Tiger, Vick)
WHAT SAY YOU? Is the black man facing social, cultural & racial extinction if the current trends don’t change immediately? Lets talk.
He’s mad. He’s livid. He’s enraged. He’s infuriated. He’s provoked. He’s frantic. Can’t you see him? He's a mad, black man. #comingsoon
On a conference call with team on upcoming book, "Confessions of a Mad, Black Man." Let's go!
Did you take a morning-after PILL or did you have a morning-after PRAISE? #ValentinesDay
"My goal is not to get a good headline on the 1st day." - President Obama referring to his proposed budget plan.
All I have needed, His hand has provided. My God's faithfulness is great. Let's go!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My friend just passed McDonald's and the drive-thru line is wrapped around the building. Date night?
I find it interesting that Facebook Chat is down for maintenance tonight. Hmmm.
Sir. Ma'am. If you're reading this post and you're on your Valentine's date, YOU IN TROUBLE! Lol
Touch your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, its gonna be a Netflix night."
Now comes the part of our program #on tonight that we all can play apart. You will be a part of us or apart from us.Lol
To all the single ladies, if you find yourself in a compromising situation tonight, just holla, "NO MORE SHEETS!"
Don't have a Valentine's date? Instead of throwing a pity party throw a PEACE Party. You finally got some peace. #okbye
Alone today? You ought to be glad they took their drama, lies & arguments away. You NEED to celebrate! Let's go!
If you are spending Valentine's Day without a significant other, DO NOT watch the "Teach Me How To Love You" DVD.
Love is a beautiful thing...until people mess it up. Lol
If you are spending Valentine's Day without a significant other, DO NOT listen to Luther Vandross.
Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you have a valentine or not, remember Jesus loves you. Let's go!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

God IS the Healer! Whatever area you need healing in, just believe by faith that you are healed. Let's go!
Its a great day to worship. Let's go!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

At the Homegoing of a 94 year old women of Zion and prayer warrior. Take your rest Mother Cora.
FYI - Real sexiness isn't in the lack of clothes a women wears but rather the content of the woman wearing the clothes.
DROID users...Who wants to play me in WORDFEUD? RobertCarpenter2 is my username. Let's go!

Friday, February 11, 2011

If you sleep with the TV on at night, don't leave it on Showtime if you wake up during the night. #imjustsayin
Then, as a nightcap I'm gonna watch "Poetic Justice" w/ Janet, Tupac, Regina and the other guy who played Chicago. Lol
My Valentine's date is Sunday at 7pm EST with Janet Jackson on Dateline NBC. Lol! #valentinesday
WHAT SAY YOU? Name something you're doing for your Significant Other during Valentine's Day weekend that's UNIQUE.
Today has been such a historical & prophetic day I haven't had the chance to joke around. Don't worry its coming.
Hey everybody...#Oprah's on...with the ladies from "The View!"
The #Egyptian Revolution teaches your world can change in a day when you pray.
The #Egyptian Revolution teaches if we are consistent in our mission, our world can change.
The #Egyptian Revolution teaches you no longer have to live in bondage to anyone or any system.
The #Egyptian revolt shows us there's a younger generation that won't accept the bondage of the past.
Did you know...Today, February 11, 1990 is also the day Nelson Mandela was released from prison. (Thanks @phaeth)
RT #messagefromMubarak--Preachers, let's start planning for our exit. Get a "succession plan".
Moses told Pharoah, "Let my people go." Today, the people told Pharoah (Mubarak) "YOU MUST go!" Your words have power. Let's go!
The name Mubarak has an Arabic origin meaning "Blessed ONE"! Perhaps this is why Mubarak thought it was all about him! (Thanks @ALConley)
Egypt historically & biblically has been a place of bondage & oppression. Today, we are witnessing HIStory. #egypt
After 30 years, Hosni Mubarak has left Cairo, Egypt and is no longer President. PHAROAH is defeated.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

DROID users let's play WORDFUED. My username is RobertCarpenter2 Let's go!
Its said there is a shortage of men. Ladies, would you date/marry a man who WAS gay or has a prison record? #dating
Its time for an all-new "The Office" on #NBC! Let's go! #theoffice
Marketing Assistants needed. Must have exp in media, ministry admin & be team player. Send resume to
Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Let's go!
Do you realize that the world is waiting on YOU to do what you do best? What are YOU waiting on?
Marketing Assistants needed. Must have exp in media, ministry admin & be team player. Send resume to
Whenever you feel everything is hopeless in your life, just look for Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Just woke up praying for those whose children have #substance #abuse issues. The Lord said, "Never again." Amen. #prayer
Its the fragrance of rain that reminds me to offer God a sweet-smelling fragrance through a lifestyle of worship.
I thank God for the rain in my life.
Rain facilitates growth.
Rain nurtures growth.
Rain always precedes growth.
When it rains, God reigns!
Rain nurtures the soil (soul) while simultaneously washing away dirt. (unclean things)
Rain can also be a prophetic sign of the blessings that will flow in my life in due season.
Rain (especially in Florida) reminds me that my current circumstances won't last very long.
Rain reminds me that seasons do change and I must dress appropriately for season.
Its during the rain that I become careful and more attentive to my surroundings.
Its during the rainthe rainbow appears, reminding me of God's covenant.
Rain shows there won't always be sunshine. It also let's me know some things have to be washed away.
God is SO awesome He'll cause the brook to dry up just so you'll appreciate when it rains.
Man, God is SO good. His blessings are limitless when we're in His will.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Honey BBQ & Buffalo Wings REALLY minister to me after church. There IS a GAWD. #shondo
ATTN ALL POLITICIANS, PREACHERS & PIMPS: Please delete all self-pics in the mirror from your smartphones immediately. And, we thank you!
On my way to the church house full from eating and tired from baby-sitting. Let's go!
Just got through baby-sitting my God-children (3yo, 10mo old) for 2 hours. I'm tired. Lol
Let's take a few and remember some of our "Childhood Rules." Ready? Let's go! #childhoodrules
Just got a call asking if I had a hair replacement. No, but I do know some preachers that...well, nevermind. LMBO!
Just because you experience affliction doesn't make you afflicted.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? Your husband (sole provider) loses 6-figure income causing MAJOR financial hardship. Do you stay or go? Let's talk!
If perception is reality, what are you perceiving & imagining? God can do exceedingly abundantly above what you can imagine or perceive!
If God knows the plan for your life, why keep trying to create your own plan?
"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different."- #Oprah
There's a blessing in your obedience to God! Whatever He Says To You, Do It!
Think about the multiplied moments you've wasted thinking about people who don't give a care about your success or well-being.
Here's an idea: Instead of talking, tweeting, texting or thinking about your "HATERS," why don't you just IGNORE them?
If you'll learn to obey, God will bless you. Let's go!
"Whatever HE says to do, do it!" - John 2:5
God not answering your prayers? Maybe you're talking too much.
Don't just work for a check, but rather work for fulfillment. Let's go!

Monday, February 7, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? A pastor asks a church leader why she was absent from service Sunday. She says she was in a bad mood.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

For those of you interested in working with our ministry, we will have some opportunities posted this week. Let's go!
Well, I'm gonna finish drinking this tea and wind down. A great game. Some great fun. A great week ahead. Let's go!
S/O to Green Bay Packers' Greg Jennings. His 1st words in his post game interview were, "To God be the glory!"
UGH! Congratulations to the NFL Super Bowl World Champions, the Green Bay Packers. 31-25.
I like those Skechers......
I need some of you to get in a prayer circle & some of you to run around the house 7x so the Steelers can win. GO! And, pass my tea.
is singing, "Saints don't stop praying for the Lord is nigh." GO STEELERS!
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about Pittsburgh!!!!! TOUCHDOWN!!! Pass the tea!!!
Ima need a real good Baptist to line a hymn before we go into an old-fashioned moan on behalf of the Steelers. Will there be one?
SMH at Steelers!
The Lord is in THIS place. Peach Cobbler, Strawberry Shortcake and Chocolate Chip Cookies, & Ice Cream.
Pittsburgh better pull out their 5 rocks. Its a 4-pt game!
Looks like we've got ourselves a game finally. Go Steelers! Pass the Tea!
Ozzy looks like he doesn't know he's in this world. LOL
I was waiting on a cameo by Janet Jackson. *runs to the altar*
Its HAMMER TIME! *runs and hides*
Halftime Show....YOUR thoughts?
Halftime! Time for some sweets. Who's gonna feed me popcorn like Cameron Diaz fed A-Rod? Lol
Yeah, I almost heaved when I saw it was Joan Rivers too. *reaches for Pepto........* #godaddy
Uh oh. Pittsburgh, we have a problem. Green Bay 14 Pittsburgh 0
Did she just re-write the National Anthem? Or have I had too much tea? Please advise!
ALERT: Once the game begins, I'll only be reached via Twitter (@RobCarpenter) or Facebook. Govern yourselves accordingly. Let's go!
These pretzels are making me thirsty. *reaching for tea*
One of the mothers asked what I'd be eating during the game. I said chicken. She said yeah you're a baptist preacher! lol
Ummm, Ummmm, Ummmmm.....and, are, ahhh....If I said...Well, If you that's not it. Ummm.....NEVERMIND.
Trying again...‎*Closes eyes* Singing, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." *Opens eyes* STILL didn't work. Hmm.
President Obama vs Bill O'Reilly on FOX Super Bowl Pre-Game on NOW! Let's go!
*Closes eyes* Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. *Opens eyes* Nope, didn't work. Lol
You're Qualified. Let's go!
I went to be and woke up this morning laughing. I laughed all day. I'm going to bed tonight laughing. God is good. #SNL

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Church Chat w/the Church Lady. #imdead #snl
Guy: How much do Polar Bears weigh? Girl: I don't know. How much? Guy: Enough to break the ice. Hi! I LOVE IT!
Saturday Night Live has me rolling on the floor already. Dana Carvey is CRAZY! #SNL
In Tampa, a sorry piece of trash threw his 16 month old son across the room, ultimately killing him. UGH!
Church is out. Headed home. Hey, who's wearing African Attire to church during Black History Month?
Even though I dropped my HTC DROID Incredible off the bathroom sink & shattered the screen, I'm STILL laughing! Ha ha!
I've got a Christ-like State of Mind. Let me hear you Jay-Z! Let's go!
Too many folks look like they've been baptized in prune juice & smothered in lemon sauce. Smile people smile!
With the peace of God, you can laugh in the face of adversity.
Don't let a jerk jack-up your JOY today
There is nothing more refreshing than a huge, gargantuan, larger-than-life laugh. Have one today. I did. Let's go!
In your darkest hour the light of God's love will shine the brightest. #GodIthankyou
Its in your loneliness you can hear God with clarity & understanding.
Alone? Listen. Maybe God is saying, "Can you hear me now?"
Its within the deafening sound of silence & loneliness where you can hear His voice. Listen...

Friday, February 4, 2011

No matter how alone you may "feel," with Christ you're NEVER alone.
Its in your lowest moments you should remember how blessed you really are.
#NP - The Soul Seekers w/ Marvin L. Winans "It's All Good" on 102 Gospel JAMZ HD
It looks as if NeNe is bringing the RHOA drama to Celebrity Apprentice. She got in Star Jones' face. SMH
PRAISE REPORT: From Roland S. Martin, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is 100% cancer-free! Who's next? @rolandsmartin @kaj33
Transition is a good thing. Its means things are changing. Let's go!
Gracious Lord & Eternal God our Father Supermodel 58 year old Beverly Johnson is on #Oprah. WOW! #dropsmicEstyle
Every moment spent worrying equates to multiplied hours of lost productivity.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ladies, if a man cannot answer a straight question he is not the one. #loverules
Ladies, if a man doesn't seriously see you in his future you're wasting your time. #loverules
Ladies, if you constantly see other women posting "behave" or "don't get into trouble" on his Facebook page he's a wild one. #loverules
Ladies, if he wants to keep you a secret because he "doesn't like people in his business" then you ain't the only one. #loverules
Ladies, if he doesn't go to church and/or believe in the miracles of God he's not capable of leading you or your family. #loverules
Ladies, if a man hasn't had any serious relationships in the past this is a huge warning sign. #loverules
Ladies, if a man sends a representative to get your name, number & relationship status he's not a serious candidate. #loverules
The ladies are sending more #loverules to me. Let's keep it going. Men...Adam...where are you? Let's go!
He's got a drivers license, biz license & ministers license but will live with you w/o a marriage license? #loverules
It's one thing not to know your own value. It's worse to let someone come in your life and devalue you. #loverules
If you had to put a price tag on your worth, what would it be? So why do you settle less in relationships? #loverules
You know they say you must walk a mile in someone else's shoes? I just walked a mile in my own and I'm TIRED!
MCHammer & Pam Grier are on #Oprah (talk show) Talk about a blast from the past.
These #loverules were comical & don't apply to everyone, but hopefully it will help us ALL be better in our relationships. Let's go!
When you go to HIS home for bible study, (not his mom's) notice the cleanliness. Even if its simple it should be neat. #loverules
Ladies, notice his money habits. Is his cash in a wad in his pocket or is it neatly organized? It says something. #loverules
Ladies, check his shoes. If his shoes are so run over that you have the urge to call 911, there's an image issue. #loverules
Ladies, if he's really an adult he should know if he has "breath" issues and should govern himself accordingly. #loverules
If ALL of his friends are players, figure out who is the weakest link. GOODBYE! #loverules
Ladies, if he doesn't hold your hand in public but tries to hold YOU behind the scenes...WALK ALONE! #loverules
If they have road rage and call other drivers names, they MAY do the same to you. #loverules
Ladies, notice his grooming. Even if he's an athlete or "outdoor" worker, he should still not be funky like a monkey. #loverules
Ladies, watch how he treats his mother and/or his baby's mother. It'll give you cliff notes on how he will treat you later. #loverules
The grass MIGHT BE greener over there, but cow manure was used to fertilize that grass...and it STINKS! #loverules
Ladies, if he doesn't keep himself looking neat, he may be looking for a momma or daddy. #loverules
Ladies, even if he's shorter than you, his vision may be taller than you can reach. You may be missing something! #loverules
Ladies, if he is consistently wrinkled or stained, there's an image issue. #loverules
Ladies, if he has a job and no purpose, he still may not be a catch. #loverules
Ladies, even if he prefers the "rough look" he should still be well-groomed & smell fresh. If not, there's an image issue. #loverules
The past isn't the past if you still think about them while you're with someone else now. #loverules
Ladies, if he doesn't keep his vehicle clean...outside AND inside, there's a cleanliness issue. #loverules
No late-night home bible study dates over candlelight with Anthony Hamilton playing in background. #loverules
Ok Ladies, I'm about to walk down the guys' street now. Tell your neighbor, #LoveRules! Wait I'm not in church. lol
We all have "bad days" where we just don't feel like "it." Those days should be rare and the exception. Not the norm. #loverules
One stain/flaw on her clothes is a freebie. If you notice stains/flaws more than 2x, there is an image issue. She's sloppy. #loverules
Notice her clothes. No matter what style she wears she should look as if she prepared to wear that and not just threw it on. #loverules
If she doesn't keep her bathroom and kitchen clean, especially when guests come, there is an image problem. #loverules
When you go to her home for dinner or bible study (lol), pay attention to the cleanliness of her home and the bathroom. #loverules
Men, if she isn't concerned about her own public image, she's not going to be concerned about your public image. #loverules
Men, if she goes ANYWHERE outside of her home without concern for what she looks like, that's an image issue. #loverules
Pay attention to her feet. Even if she has corns & bunions if she loves herself she'll STILL keep the rest of her feet nice. #loverules
Men, pay attention to her fingernails. They don't have to be acrylic but if they are not well-kept there's an issue there. #loverules
When shopping pay attention to their spending habits. #loverules
Check out their CREDIT history. You need to be aware of assets AND liabilities. #loverules
Watch the family's body language when you & your sweetheart come around. If a family member warns you, BELIEVE them. #loverules
Go to FAMILY functions. See who is acting "off." See who is acting sane. See who they interact with more. #loverules
Take the time and find out if there are MENTAL HEALTH issues with them or in their family. You need to be aware. #loverules
Spend the money and get a CRIMINAL background check. They may not share THAT information with you. You NEED to be aware. #loverules
Before you get involved with anyone beyond casually dating you need to check them out. #loverules
Since February is the "LOVE" month, let's layout (no pun intended) some #loverules. If you have some, feel free. Ready? Let's go!
Don't let fear forbid you from finishing. Let's go!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DIVORCE COURT: She is divorcing him because he made a sex tape w/o her knowledge & sold it around town. Wow.
Today I've seen 4 young men with prominent tattoos on his face. So this is the latest fad? Wow. Sad.
We're halfway through the week. What have you done to better yourself this week?
Snickers satisfies! #thatisall
The world is waiting on you. Let's go!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Excel at being you. No one else. Let's go!
WHAT SAY YOU? If the US Gov't shut down the internet, like Egypt has, how would it affect YOU? Let's chat.
Don't forget to let God in while you're snowed in. Let's go!
If I go to bed at 9pm I'll be up by 3am. And what am I doing at 4am? Eating Shrimp Fried Rice. Life is GOOD!