Friday, December 31, 2010

Off to get something to eat before service. (Some things never change.) I love you all with the love of the Lord. Let's go! #hello2011
In 2011, you won't allow others to place you in a box in which they created. BE YOU! #hello2011
In 2011, you will walk smack-dab into your SUDDENLY! Your SUDDENLY is waiting on YOU to arrive! #hello2011
In 2010, God revealed himself to me in the loneliest of hours. HE IS a mighty God! #goodbye2010
In 2010, I was reminded my latter shall be greater than my past. Let's go! #goodbye2010
In 2010 I took a self-imposed sabbatical. In that time God has shifted everything in & around me. NOW, I'm ready! #goodbye2010
In 2010, I realized I am not my title. I am Robert L. Carpenter, II and God HAS made my name great! (Genesis 12:2) #goodbye2010
Thank God for social media. Through my OWN posts/tweets I ministered to thousands AND thousands ministered to me. #goodbye2010
The Doctors wanted to do surgery on my throat but God healed me & I am YET STILL preaching the gospel & singing His praises! #goodbye2010
I almost died April 30, 2010 from food poisoning, dehydration & near kidney failure but God... #goodbye2010
2010 began one way and surely ended another, but WE made it! Thank God! Welcome 2011! #goodbye2010
2010 was quite a year. I'm grateful to you, my friends, for the opportunity to share with you daily. Let's do it again together! Let's go!
In 2011, it gets BETTER! Let's go!
Pastor John P. Kee sang this: "Wave your troubles away." Let's go! #goodbye2010 @KeeTwit
You need to defy what you're coming out of, so you'll be determined where you're going. Let's go! #goodbye2010
In 2011, you WILL! Let's go!
In 2011, you're gonna DO MORE! Let's go!
WHAT SAY YOU? How are you bringing in 2011 tonight? Church? Club?Party? Home? Or another way?
In 2011, you're gonna BE! Let's go!
Just asked a Christian lady where she was going to church tonight. She said for what?! #down lol
So NOW Ruby Tuesday has Garlic Cheese Biscuits like Red Lobster? Interesting. Lol
WHAT SAY YOU? A Church Mother sues her church for $5000 given to building fund because the pastor is performing same-sex marriages.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

In 2011, you're not gonna stress over insignificant things or people.
Brothers, some clothing is becoming of a distinguished gentleman. Don't follow the trends. SET the trends!
Sir, I'm near 'bout 40 years old. I WILL NOT buy those "skinny jeans!" UGH!
Just had a talk with a local preacher here at Starbucks. God is gonna do something unusual in the church in 2011!
Bless the Waffle House cook. Let him prepare my Chocolate Chip Waffle with special care. Amen
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow while conquering today. Let's go!
I slept when I didn't mean to sleep, now I'm awake when I don't won't to be awake. Errr.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm at the church house. Guess where to after church?
In 2011, your praise will outlast your persecution. Let's go!
What are your favorite or hated church phrases? Let's go! #churchphrases
In 2011, your Faith, Family & Finances will begin to be restored.
In 2011, you will excel under pressure instead of breaking under pressure. Let's go!
In 2011, peace & contentment will be the norm and not the exception.
In 2011, you're going to develop more meaningful relationships and disconnect from meaningless associations.
There is STILL time to receive what God has for you in 2010. Are you ready for it? Let's go!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Touchdown Eagles! #teamvick
WHAT SAY YOU? What are you doing New Year's Eve to bring in 2011? Let's go!
” < #dead&gone
On Christmas Eve -
oner’s Home Of Luxury Items
Dallas Pastor Accused Of Robbing Parishi
In 2011, you will finally see your worth and govern yourself accordingly. Let's go!
In 2011, look for the sunshine in every storm.
In 2011, celebrating others' success will guarantee your own success. Let's go!
In 2011, don't apologize for being YOU.
In 2011, reveal YOUR scars so the faith of others who STILL have wounds that are healing will be increased.
In 2011, Don't be afraid to show your scars. Scars show there has been a wound that has healed. Let's go!

Monday, December 27, 2010

What's YOUR name? Who ARE you? What are you DOING? That's what WE ALL should ask ourselves everyday.
Hello, my name is Robert L. Carpenter, II. I am not my title. I'm a servant of God that's fulfilling God's purpose for me in the earth.
There's nothing wrong with a title if you've EARNED it. However, if your title "makes" you, something is lacking WITHIN you.
Society HAD respect for the preacher in the past. Today's lack of respect for preachers can't be blamed solely on society. It's US Doc!
LESSON 3: You earn more respect by being REAL, TRANSPARENT & ACCOUNTABLE, NOT by some title you are force on others.
LESSON 2: People will SEE who you are with or without your title. So you might as well be YOU, whether good or bad.
LESSON 1: If you need a title to get respect you have MAJOR self-esteem issues & serious character flaws. Respect is earned not forced.
Many people are SEDUCED by the "pomp & splendor" of a title. Genesis 12 says, "...I will make your NAME great..." NOT your title.
"His Holiness Patriarch Prophet Elijah" Its called TITLE SEDUCTION. "I want a title that out 'titles' everyone else's." Not reputable.
Sir, His Holiness Patriarch Prophet Elijah, where did you get your training? Who is your apostolic covering? This is too much. Smh
How is the name of everything pure, sacred and holy do you call YOURSELF "His Holiness Patriarch Prophet Elijah?" Its blasphemous.
I just got a friend request from His Holiness Patriarch Prophet Elijah of Jesus Christ Symphony Orchestra. #iCant #preacherdown
There TRULY is NO PLACE like home.
Now playing: "Diary Of A Church Band" by David Grant & Chris Spivey. Highly recommended!
Why am I out and about in a 3-pc suit, church shoes and church socks like it's Sunday morning? Lol #churchboy
I'm enjoying myself at my parents' home. You think I'm silly online? Its another level at home. #prayforme
"Why was the math book sad? It had too many problems!" HA! Thank you @RickeySmiley for the Joke of the Day.
Good morning saints & aints. I just heard "99 1/2 Won't Do" on The @RickeySmiley Morning Show. It took me back!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reports say Teena Marie, 54, was found dead in her apartment today. #teenamarie #rip
Roland S. Martin (TVOne) & Don Lemon (#CNN) are reporting Teena Marie's passing is a rumor. Stay tuned. @rolandsmartin @donlemoncnn
The seems to be conflicting information concerning Teena Marie passing or not. Going back to the horse's mouth. BRB #teenamarie
I'm RE-confirming my sources, but Wikipedia is showing her demise as December 26, 2010. Stay tuned. #teenamarie #rip
Teena Marie, Grammy Award-nominated singer–songwriter–producer passed away today. #teenamarie #RIP
Plate #2 - Sweet Potato Pie, Pound Cake, Pistachio Dessert & a Planet Fitness Membership Card.
"...and it was good."
I'm at my parents' home about to eat plate #1 from yesterday's Christmas dinner. There's nothing like momma's cooking. #shondo
WHAT SAY YOU? Would you wait in line for an hour to use the restroom at a rest stop? Let's go is what I would say.
73 women & 14 men in line to use the restroom at a rest stop right now. (Insert punchline here)
Heard in store today: How was Pastor's sermon? Hell, I don't know but it was good though. Oh hey Pastor how are you? Hell I don't know.
Be sure when you lift your hands in worship that you are not ashy. #noash
Even though it's cold and windy, I'm HYPED about worship this morning. Let's go!
It's the day after Christmas. Are you going to church today or the store to return that awful gift? Lol Let's go!
What an incredible Christmas I've had. Got church in a few hours. Good night.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It looks like the Dallas Cowboys are playing football tonight. Amazing! #NFL
96-80 Heat! LeBron @kingjames James had another triple double. Kobe who? Lol
I'm sweating watching them play this Nintendo Wii. Wow.
"Big Momma's House 3?"
UPDATE: I made it to the sofa in the family room to watch the Heat beat the Lakers. #imsleep
Lord I thank you for this food I have eaten. Please send an angel to help me move from this table to the sofa. Amen.
Well, after a Christmas miracle, I'm at my 2nd dinner location. I love the saints. This one might take me out though. Let's go!
When the little boy shook my hand and told ME, "Thank you for my Christmas gifts!" it was over for me. #preacherdown
All this happened on my way to Walgreen's because I dropped my toothbrush.
This wasn't on my agenda today, but it was God's plan. Show love to anyone you can peeps. Let's go! Merry Christmas!
I prayed with/for them inside their room. Their son is outside playing right now. This made my Christmas. (pt 5)
They offered me their last $4 for gas. Of course, I declined and I blessed them with a hotel stay for the week and food. (pt 4)
Before I could share Christ with them, they shared Christ with me and told me God used me for their son to have Christmas. (pt 3)
They don't like blacks although their son is half black and I'm black. I took them to someone who gave them slightly used toys. (pt 2)
I was just a part of a real Christmas story. A white homeless lesbian couple asked me for a ride to get a gift for their 4yo son. (pt 1)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ladies & gentlemen, the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Lakeland is closed until Sunday, 6 AM. #carryon
I was going to see "Little Fockers" but the last showing was at 8 PM. #fail
Dear kids, There is NO Santa Claus. Those presents are from your parents. "With love, WikiLeaks"
Lord have mercy on me. What a GREAT nap. Now it's time for "Cheers" Season 10 on DVD.
One last "run" to the mall. Lord help me! Lol
Its Christmas Eve. Enjoy your loved ones. Let's have some fun. Let's go!
I'm still up kicking. About to watch "30 Rock" Fourth Season DVD. Liz Lemon here I come. Let's go!
I'm enjoying my "Good Times" DVD marathon. JJ is crazy! Lol

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Guess what? The #UPS driver went and found the package where he incorrectly delivered it. Thank God!
WHAT SAY YOU? #UPS just acknowledged their error. What do you think they should do for losing a $300 device?
Dear #UPS, How do you leave a $300 electronic device on a doorstep w/o the REQUESTED signature for delivery? UGH!
I told UPS not to leave the package at the door and it would be picked up at their hub. Guess what they did? SMH
Guess what DVD I have in my possession? "Good Times" Season 3. DY-NO-MITE!
'Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la la la la la. I'm finna act a FOOL. Let's go! #dontjudgeme
On Judge Judy, 2 sisters are suing each other over $1,000 for a "Life Class" by an Evangelist named Juanita. #dead
Spread the word! BeBe & CeCe Winans AND Mary, Mary will be on The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno TONIGHT!
I told a rude cashier at a store, (WM), "Just forget it. I'll go to another store and buy my items." She was TOO rude.
WHAT SAY YOU? If store cashiers were paid better how would affect their performance?
WHAT SAY YOU? If Customer Service Reps were paid better how it would affect their attitude on the phone?
Hello family. Its another great day to be alive. Let's have some fun today. Let's go!
I'm often amazed at the prescription drug commercials. Do you hear the side effects of these? Wow!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Great time at my church. About to visit a church near my home. Pray for me.
I'm at the church house. Got a meeting before bible study tonight.
I found my ear piece. It fell behind/under the bed. Now we can ALL carry on. Lol
How does an ear piece just disappear into thin air? If I don't find it we're gonna have a discrepancy.
Don't you hate when you misplace something you just had 10 minutes ago? UGH!
Tell somebody, "God is able!" Let's go!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You ever meet someone dressed in light-colored clothing but they looked like the prince of darkness? #iDid
You ever met someone for the 1st time but you recognize familiar spirits in them? #iDid
You ever watched a reality show on Sunday night and then have a nightmare involving the reality show stars? #iDid
You ever meet someone and their personality is cold, lifeless, insipid and indifferent? #iDid
You meet someone and while they are talking you are looking for all possible exit routes? #iDid
With all due respect, you ever meet someone and immediately comes to your mind? #iDid
Anybody remember the movie "Misery" with Paul Cain & Kathy Bates? I met somebody that...nevermind! #preacherdown
Pumpkin Pecan Streusel Pie
I've been laughing so hard this afternoon I need to...(Guess) Let's go!
"House Party" is on Comedy Central. Classic!!!!
When the tough gets going, remember Christ in YOU is tougher. Let's go! (Thanks LeGina)
What's the best Twitter app for the iPhone? I use UberTwitter on my BlackBerry but I'm not liking it on iPhone. Help!
Winter begins today. Its a new season. Its a new day. Are you excited? I AM. Let's go!
From Diddy: "Its ALL about the POWER of BELIEVE! BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!" (Thanks @iamdiddy )
The Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse begins at 2:41AM EST with optimal viewing at 3:17AM. The next occurrence will be 2094.
There isn't much better than great conversation and great laughs. I've had both tonight.

Monday, December 20, 2010

WHAT SAY YOU? I was overcharged $70 on my credit card for a dinner out of town. When calling, what would YOU do/say?
WHAT SAY YOU? I watched "Wife Swap" today. A little 7yo told her mom "Bite me b**ch!" That got my nerves bad. Comments?
Watching "True Hollywood Story-Donald Trump." He's truly a deal-making genius. Could he be President of the US?
Don't stress. The future you've been waiting on is here, NOW! Let's go!
Good morning world. How did you rest last night? I rested well but had the CRAZIEST dream ever. Let's do it BIG today!
What a day! Great church. Great Eagles/Giants game. And, of course, The Real Housewives of Atlanta. #nfl #rhoa

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Apollo, you're like Tommy from "Martin." You ain't GOT NO job man! #RHOA #preacherdown
"I um do turn-key operations for corporations that um want...."-Apollo #imsleep #rhoa
Dear Apollo, Please just sit there and smile with your wife. Don't talk. Don't speak. Don't think. #RHOA
4 years younger but he was in high school & she was in law school? Only if he was 20 in the 12 grade. #FAIL #RHOA
So NOW Phaedra's reason for the changing due date is a "high risk pregnancy?" Um, she's definitely a lawyer. #RHOA
"She knew I was a crazy black woman."- Phaedra Was? #RHOA
Catfight! #RHOA
Did ya'll see how Phaedra was chewing her food? She was chewing like she was eating Oxtails. #RHOA
Cynthia, if people don't RSVP to your wedding that might mean.......(Fill in the blank) #RHOA
Did ya'll see what I just saw? #RHOA (Hint: Phaedra)
QUESTION - Is there ANYTHING on or about Kim that isn't fake or manufactured? I'm wondering if...nevermind. #RHOA
I'm about to send out Friendship Contracts instead of Christmas cards. If you want one hit me up. HA! #RHOA
Kim can't sing OR dance. Wow. Stay in your lane Kim! #RHOA
It's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" time. Let's go! #RHOA
WHAT SAY YOU? Is it "pagan" for Christians to erect Christmas trees etc? Some say yes. Some say no. Let's talk.
REMINDER: All-new "Real Housewives of Atlanta" at 10PM EST. Also Phaedra & Apollo on "Watch What Happens Live." #RHOA
Just like the Eagles/Giants game, its never over until time has run out. Maximize each second of your day. Let's go!
I fell asleep at halftime thinking the Eagles were gonna lose. I woke up right before the last play! Go #teamvick #nfl
Did you see the Giants vs the Eagles game? What a game. What a win. Go Eagles. Let's go VICK!
What an incredible time we had in worship today. What did YOU do today? Let's go!
What a spectacular day it is. Let's go!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What a great time tonight at the Christmas party. We nurtured some relationships of value as well.
I'm turning the BlackBerry Bold 9700 and the iPhone 3GS off. No electronic devices allowed. Hit you later folks!
Oooh weee. I feel great. Now I'm on my way to a private Christmas dinner party. Let's go!
If anybody ask you, where I am going, where I am going soon...I'm going to slober (going to sloberrrrrr) LMBO!
I don't want no peanut butter & jelly. I want my soul to be fed. (Sleepy and silly) Thanks @Ajonee Goingsomewhereinlife Miller
My bed feels SO good. Thank God for the pillow. Thank God for the sheets. And, thank God for the sleep. NAP TIME!
Lord Jesus take the wheel 'cause I'm tired.
Lunch break. Come join me at P.F. Chang's China Bistro. I'll put your order in now. Let's go!
It is raining cats & dogs today. Nevertheless, I'm at the church today. (Bless my little heart) Hit me up!

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm so Godly proud of the youth presenting their gifts and talents unto the Lord tonight.
At the church house watching the kiddies get ready for their annual Christmas Program.
Tell me something good folks. Let's go!
Aren't you glad God saw the best in you when everyone else around you could only see the worst in you?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Steve Carell is SO funny on "The Office" tonight. LMBO #theoffice #nbc
Watching the "Larry King Live" Final Show. Thanks for the memories. We'll miss you Larry!!! @kingsthings #CNN
ALERT - "Watch What Happens: Live" on #Bravo Sunday - Phaedra & Apollo from #RHOA. Govern yourselves accordingly.
Today we bid farewell to @kingsthings (Larry King) Thanks for the Memories Sir! God Bless You!
Want to know how to begin your new beginning? Just BE! Let's go!
"A dream is not in the sky or in the stars. A dream is in your heart." - The Bernie Mac Show
Since you're able to read this, you have begun another day to get IT. Let's go!
Get yourself up. Wash your face. Put on some clothes. Fix your hair and smile. Your new day just began. Let's go!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace."
Enjoying watching the youth rehearse for their Christmas program. I remember the days.
At the church house.
I'm also reading, "America By Heart - Reflections on Family, Faith & Flag" by Sarah Palin. What about you?
WHAT SAY YOU? Have we developed a "Culture of Complacency" by disregarding social mores? Talk to me.
WHAT SAY YOU? Why do some men walk in front or behind their lady in the mall while SHE'S carrying the bags?
"Trust & obey. For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust & obey." Let's go!
Excuse me.
If you do what HE says you'll receive what HE has for you. Let's go!
Whatever He (God) says to you today, DO IT! Let's go!
I had to take my sportcoat, belt, and shoes off going through security. I didn't get frisked though. :-( Ha ha ha!
If I knew I had to undress to get in the courthouse they should have bought me dinner & a movie 1st. UGH!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"I get my mouth all ready for some orange juice and there aint nothing but a swallow in there."-Harlem Nights #BET
Lela Rachon as Sunshine in "Harlem Nights." #thatisall #BET
"Harlem Nights" on #BET. Eddie Murphy,Richard Pryor,Redd Foxx,Arsenio Hall,Charlie Murphy,Robin Harris, & Della Reese.
OMG! "Harlem Nights" is on #BET right now. I'm going IN already with this movie. Hilarious!
Are you on FRING? You can add me now. RobertCarpenter2 Let's go!
If you're a #BlackBerry Messenger user, you can chat with me. Just request PIN 21D0DFA4 Let's go!
Wanna chat? Join me on KiK Messenger - RobCarpenter
SUPPERTIME! Grilled T-bone, Baked Potato & Steamed Corn. Let's go!
I have a major meeting at 3PM EST and need you to pray for the FAVOR of God. Thanks! Praise report coming. Let's go!
Sean "Diddy" Combs is on "The View" w/ a BAD Gray Ostrich Jacket. Let's go! (@IAmDiddy)
REPOST: Turning your passion into pay prevents poverty. Let's go!
REPOST: Turn your passion into pay. Money is waiting to come to you now! Let's go!
REPOST: You are the only person who can accomplish what you were created to accomplish. Let's go!
Good morning family! Its 27 degrees here. What's the temperature outside your window? Let's go!
Turning your passion into pay prevents poverty. Let's go!
Turn your passion into pay. Money is waiting to come to you now! Let's go!

Monday, December 13, 2010

You are the only person who can accomplish what you were created to accomplish. Let's go!
Sitting in Starbucks about to lose it listening to the song, "Yes, Lord" by Bishop C.H.Mason.
I feel a Starbucks ministry on me but I'm not sure if I want to fight the elements to get there.
Stop believing the lie that you can't accomplish it. Look at what's in your hands and in your heart. Let's go!
Stop disqualifying what God has qualified. Let's go!
When you're qualified its not a matter of IF but rather WHEN you will accomplish your goals. Let's go!
Remember when they said you could do "thus and so" when "hell freezes over?" Its about that time. Lol
URGENT REQUEST: Young College Female Named Brittany was kidnapped in Manning, SC Sunday. Pray 4 her please! RT

Sunday, December 12, 2010

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Young College Female Named Brittany was kidnapped 2day in Manning, SC Pray 4 her pls - PLS RT!!
Anderson Cooper is funny especially when he was going in on the #RHOBH. #RHOA
Phaedra: "What I do with my uterus is my business." Ummm ma'am...nevermind #RHOA
Pete had to pull NeNe aside without his fiance' to apologize to her? Something reeks. #RHOA
The Real Housewives of Atlanta is on. What did I miss? Phaedra is her mother's daughter huh? #RHOA
URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Young College Female Named Brittany was kidnapped 2day in Manning, SC Pray 4 her pls - PLS RT!!
I enjoyed Fox News Channel's, "The Rise, Fall & Future of Conservatism." #politicaljunkie
WHAT SAY YOU? When a person commits suicide, where do you feel they will spend eternity? Heaven or Hell?
REWIND: I heard a preacher tell a guy in Wal-Mart, "Somebody's got to go to hell, so it might as well be YOU!"
Good morning Saints & Aints! God has a blessing with YOUR name on it today. Go get it. Let's go!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ladies, get your copy of "Straight Talk, No Chaser" by Steve Harvey. Its a GREAT book. Really! (@IAmSteveHarvey)
Security is now escorting the preacher out of Wal-Mart. Someone said, "See you at church tomorrow pastor." #deadeadead!
I think I can get up and leave Wal-Mart now. The preacher is STILL going in on the guy. He has an audience now.
Just heard a preacher tell a guy in Wal-Mart, "Somebody's got to go to hell, so it might as well be YOU!" #mandown
Don't have money for the Comedy Club? Don't worry, go to a church near you. You'll have JUST as many laughs. ROFLMBO!
Have you ever laughed so hard that you became dizzy and light-headed? I JUST did.
NOW I'm leaving the church and headed to a mall near YOU. Shall we do lunch? Lol
I THOUGHT I was done at the church. Forgot to meet with one of the saints. Turning around........
I'm done at the church until tomorrow. Time to hit the malls. Let's go!
The temperature, lighting & ambiance was perfect for a late sleep-in. However, I'm on my way to the church house.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My allergies are acting up SO bad, I'm gonna turn in early. Good night friends!
This iPad I'm checking out is BEAST! Lord, help the preacher. Lol
Has anyone seen/tasted the Fruit (Peach or Apple) Pot Pies?
"If you can use anyone Lord, you can use ME til you use me up." Let's go!
Our goal in life should be to get everything God placed in us, out of us. Let Him use you til He uses you up.
Declare this today: "God, just keep on using me til you use me up!" Let's go!
Found a couple of packs of Biscoff Cookies from a recent flight in my bag. Finna tear them up NOW! #shondo

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Paul said,"I fought the good fight." Oprah said,"Just keep on using me til you use me up." What do YOU say?
Did you see "Kyle" from "Living Single" in the T.J. Maxx/Marshall"s spot during the Barbara Walters Special?
Isaiah said,"Here am I Lord, send me." Oprah said,"Just keep on using me til you use me up." What do YOU say?
Oprah blessed my little soul saying, "(God) Just keep on using me til you use me up." Oh, bless His name! #Oprah
"My prayer to God is, 'Just keep on using me til you use me up!'"- #Oprah...Are YOU saying that to God?
"I am seeking the fullest expression of my being on earth." - #Oprah
I LOVE the fact Oprah knew her limitations and priorities concerning having children and her career. #Oprah
WHAT SAY YOU? Guys, could YOU be Oprah's "Steadman?"
Oprah said, "You have to find the thread of authenticity." #Oprah
WHAT SAY YOU? "The Office 1-hr Christmas Special" on #NBC or "Barbara Walters - Oprah Interview" on #ABC?
South Florida - Join Martha Munizzi at William McDowell's LIVE recording at Christian Life Center in Ft. Lauderdale.
WHAT SAY YOU? Recently, Keith Washington recorded a private conversation with Aretha Franklin and broadcast it.
My name is Robert L. Carpenter, II and I have Christ in me, the hope of glory. What about you? Let's go!
STOP underestimating yourself. You have what it takes. Let's go!
Guess what? There much more to you than meets the eye. LIVE! Let's go!
Prayer at 5am. Conference call at 8am. Meeting at 10am. Lunch at 12 noon. I'll STILL be on it! Let's go!
How come nobody told me Steak & Shake doesn't serve the Strawberry Shortcake anymore? #EPICFAIL
Social media transcends all barriers. One post can affect multiplied thousands of people that you know not of.
What a fellowship. What a joy divine. Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

At the church house. Gonna have special prayer for Aretha Franklin tonight. I STILL believe God.
PRAYER ALERT: Reports confirm Aretha Franklin has pancreatic cancer. God IS a healer.
WHAT SAY YOU? What time of the day is your favorite time to pray? Where is your favorite place to pray? Let's talk!
WHAT SAY YOU? If money were not an issue, would you travel commercially into space? (Its about to happen.)
Lunch time!
When your life is congruent & your heart is properly aligned, God will supply your needs, wants & desires.
Say this: "If I delight myself in the Lord, He'll give me the desires of my heart."
Declare this NOW: "My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus!"
If the Lord is your shepherd, you shouldn't want for anything. Let's go!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To the person who asked me to pray their lotto numbers: When you win, don't forget your tithes. Amen. Good night.
For the record, I believe mediation is best for all involved, including the body of Christ (Church) worldwide.
"I feel like David against Goliath and I have 5 rocks and I haven't thrown the first one yet."-Bishop Long
Anderson Cooper of #CNN is reporting that Bishop Eddie Long has chosen mediation instead of a trial.
BREAKING NEWS via Anderson Cooper 360 on the Bishop Eddie Long lawsuits. Tune in NOW to #CNN.
"Its as if I was being charged as Nino Brown and not Wesley Snipes."-Wesley Snipes on Larry King Live #CNN
Judge Joe Brown just blew the whistle on the judge & prosecutor in the Snipes case. "Wesley is their trophy!"
I'm NOT one to quickly play the "race card." However, this seems like a harsh sentence for misdemeanor tax charges.
The Ocala, FL jury had jurors who said they thought Mr. Snipes was guilty BEFORE the trial even started.
"I was never charged with Tax Evasion."- Wesley Snipes on Larry King Live NOW (3 Yrs for 3 misdemeanors?)
Wesley Snipes is going to jail. See his 1st live exclusive interview on "Larry King Live" on #CNN at 9PM EST.
See! Somebody just messaged me, "Thanks for the reminder Rev. Can you pray over my lotto numbers?" #deaduponarrival
Some of you that are playing this numbers game are using the numbers you play for the lotto. I got it now. Lol
In Tampa homeless people are committing petty crimes in order to get food & shelter in jail on cold nights.
I'm gonna leave her husband alone and celebrate her class, strength, faith & integrity. #ElizabethEdwards.
Elizabeth Edwards left her CLOWN to receive her CROWN! #RIP (Thanks @ItsKevinBond) #ElizabethEdwards
Elizabeth Edwards knew who she was and didn't allow her pain to diminish her life purpose. #ElizabethEdwards #RIP
BREAKING NEWS: The Associated Press is reporting that a family friend says Elizabeth Edwards has died.
When you realize who you are, you can live in peace with God, yourself and with others.
As great as the Apostle Paul was, he realized he was "the least among the saints & the chiefest of sinners."
The Apostle Paul had to change who he was to become who he is. YOU have to be willing to change who you are now.
When you know who you are, you can be all you were created to be.
Sunday I left my BlackBerry charger at church. Today I realized I think I left my netbook charger too. Ugh!
Ladies, get Steve Harvey's new book "Straight Talk No Chaser." How to find, keep, and understand a Man today!
WHAT SAY YOU? Do know men/women that stay in a dysfunctional relationship to avoid being alone during the holidays? Let's talk!
WHAT SAY YOU? What's your favorite Christmas song & artist? Let's go!
May your today be greater than yesterday so you'll be prepared for a greater tomorrow. Let's go!
Good morning saints and aints. Its a cool 45 degrees in central Florida. What's the temperature in YOUR city?
Good morning saints and aints. Its a cool 45 degrees in central Florida. What's the temperature in city?

Monday, December 6, 2010

It feels like its after midnight when its actually over 3 hours until midnight. Anyone else feel that way?
Good afternoon Saints & aints. I got my BlackBerry charger back. I'm alive and well.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good morning Saints & Aints! Let's do it big today. Ready? Let's go!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Haircut done. Now it's ministry time at Starbucks. What you doing today? Let's go!
When you're used to having a personal barber, sitting in the barbershop is a tedious and painstaking task at best.
ALERT: Five Guys Burgers and Fries is a gastronomical delicatessen delight. Believe the hype! #shondo
I'm at Five Guys Burgers & Fries. What do you recommend?
On the way to the church house, I'm going IN listening to worship on my PANDORA App. #shondo #forreal

Friday, December 3, 2010

WHAT SAY YOU? If I have my Christmas Party at a funeral home, would YOU come? Let's go!
Just passed a funeral home advertising watching Monday Night Football on their big screen. LOL!
A white, red-headed "Hustle Man" on a bike just tried to sell me boot-leg DVD's. I don't sell or watch boot-legs. Smh
All this today while waiting on my car repair. There's NEVER, EVER a dull day in MY life. I've tried. Lol
I brushed and gargled with Listerine, Scope & peroxide. Anything else? Come on country folks. Help me.
After almost swallowing a bee, I'm brushing my teeth & tongue, using Listerine, Scope, AND peroxide in a few minutes.
Unknown to me a bee flew into my can of Arizona Sweet Tea. I think you know the rest of the story...Eww! Ugh! Smh!
I am officially hyper-excited about June 2011. Let's go!!!!
is singing, "Hold to His hand, God's unchanging hand. Build your hope on things eternal." #oldschool

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy..."
Philly 7 Houston 3 Go #VICK! Heat 13 Cavs 34 Go #Heat!
Heat or Cavaliers?
Kids get a free picture with Santa at Value Pawn's "Lunch w/Santa" with the purchase of a digital camera this Saturday. HA!
"Lunch w/ Santa" at Value Pawn menu: Lunchables w/ Chek sodas. However, if you bring your own Happy Meal you get a 10% off coupon. HA HA!
If you're interested in your kids going to "Lunch w/ Santa" at Value Pawn to contact me. Ha ha! #stillonthefloor
Forget the mall. You can take your kids to "Lunch with Santa" this Saturday at the local Value Pawn. #EPICFAIL
The lady who just cut me off and gave me the finger forgot she had a "Jesus Fish" on her minivan. Smh
The diagnosis isn't what counts. It’s the prognosis that does. According to your faith, BE HEALED, DELIVERED & SET FREE!
A diagnosis is a condition. A prognosis is the outcome. God says, "Your prognosis is greater than your diagnosis. YOU'RE HEALED!"
I see God turned on the walk-in refrigerator in Florida today. Praise God. Let's go!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is today pronounced "Wednesday" or "Wendsdee?" UGH!
On my way to the church house!
Even though single Christians AREN'T having premarital sex, you still need to KNOW YOUR STATUS! #WorldAidsDay Let's go!
"Ah, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive." KNOW YOUR STATUS!? #WorldAIDSDay Let's go!
Metaphorically speaking: The crime was committed against you & you got away alive. Now STAY alive!
Why would you go back to the scene of the crime committed against you?! Let's go!
On Dec. 1, 1955 in Montgomery, AL Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to make room for a white passenger.
Hello World! Today is World AIDS Day. Know your status!? Let's go!